Beautiful. Perfect. Mine.

227 12 13

Grayson PoV

I was buzzing with energy as I paced the locker room more ready for this than I'd ever been for a fight. The pure happiness that I witnessed in my families faces today was driving me to continue to make them happy and proud.

It was like an adrenaline flowing through my veins and giving me a powerful inner strength and drive to success.

Then the door opened and I heard whispers from a few of the guys that were standing around in the room with me. Words of appreciation and approval for the stunning sight that had just walked through the door.

I quickly gave them all a hard look that made them evert their eyes elsewhere before I killed them.

Mads looked good enough to eat. The split in her skirt went right up to her mid thigh showing her toned legs and her red top didn't quite meet the waist band of her skirt so you could see her tanned skin in between her clothes.

The heels on her black stilettos gave her extra height and made her legs look ideal to be wrapped around my waist whilst I plowed into her wet pussy.

Elijah was already out talking to Miles somewhere so I didn't have the prying eyes of her dad around so I nodded at Theo and gestured towards to beers before pulling my wife into the bathroom.

"Are you trying to kill me? I have to fight knowing you are out there..  looking like this" I ran my hands across her bare stomach then up her exposed thigh to emphasis my words loving the soft whimper that left her mouth when I stopped my hand on her hip, not where she wanted it.

"I just wanted to look nice before I get all fat and gross" she pouted at the thought of it. Not that she could ever look that way.

"You won't be fat you are pregnant, I think you look hot as fuck pregnant and trust me when I tell you that I will prove that every single day if I have too" and nobody would stop me from doing that because my god Mads was something else, pregnant or not she was perfect. So fucking perfect.

"How would you prove it?" She bit on that damn lip knowing how crazy it makes me. I swear she did this shit on purpose.

"That's a surprise but I know every inch of your body better than you do and I know every single place that makes you wet when I touch it. I know how to make you beg me..... how to make you scream my name until you lose your voice. So believe me when I say you could never be gross or fat, you.are.beautiful. You.are.perfect. You.are.mine." Each one of my last words I punctuated with a kiss or a nip of the skin on her neck, in the exact spots that made her moan and her knees weaken as her body tingled under my touch.

"Grayson" Mads was putty in my hands and she leant her body into me and I pushed her against the door needing to feel her body as close to mine as possible. Mads grazed her nails again my chest making me suck in a harsh breathe.

"My little temptress" my lips crashed against hers and I sucked her lower lip into my mouth before I released it and pushed my tongue into her mouth.

Our tongues danced tighter, caressing each other in a loving and passionate manner that was beginning to get more heated by the second.

We broke the kiss breathless and panting and completely unsatisfied. But there was always later and I swore to myself right there and then that I would make sure she was more than satisfied later, in fact we'd both be totally sated.

"Oh fuck you've got red lipstick all over you" Mads laughed and grabbed some tissue, wet it under the tap then gently cleaned my face.

"You look like you just got kissed pretty hard yourself Mads" she was covered in red lipstick all over her chin and around her lips.

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