
499 19 24

7 mths later

Mads PoV

Grayson was buzzing as he helped get the children in his car. I had no idea what he was up to but after the things he did at Christmas I was used to just trusting him by now.

A year ago I'd of been suspicious and pestered him until he told me what was going on but now was different. I'd seen a new side to him when he'd gone out of his way to organise such a special time for us as a couple but also our entire family.

We'd all needed that happiness to lift us from the hardships we'd faced that year.

It truly was the start of a new chapter in our lives.

Hunter was busy on a world tour fighting and living the high life.

Things were slowly falling back into old times with us and we would tease each other over video chat and talk for hours laughing and just being silly, just like the close friends we used to be.

I was so glad because I wasn't sure we'd ever get that back and I missed him dearly. I hated that I'd hurt him so much but selfishly I hated that I'd lost him as my friend for a long time.

But now I think it was okay between us.

Gracie was so healthy I could barely keep up with her. She'd been having routine check ups but she'd shocked the doctors by how quickly she'd suddenly turned a corner and recovered.

Hunter was very much like Grayson and thought that it was his 'super genes' that helped her.

He was probably right but I wouldn't admit it to him and have him holding it over us all at every occasion.

I already had to deal with Grayson's loud and proud claims of having 'super spunk' because of how easily I'd fallen pregnant.

God knows I'd of killed him when he told the midwife that whilst I was in labour.

He was lucky I had an epidural and could barely move or I'd of smacked his around the back of the head or possibly kicked him in the balls and hopefully ruined some of that 'super spunk' .

He wouldn't have been laughing so hard then would he?!

After a short drive we pulled up in a familiar looking car park near the sea.

"Remember this place?" Grayson smiled as he looked across the car hood at me as I took in my surroundings and basked in the memories that flooded through my head.

"I do" how could I ever forget this place. This was a very special part in our relationship and it would be a part of my heart forever.

"Come on kiddos" Grayson said once he got the twins and Gracie out and then took the car seat from me.

"Tsk tsk no lifting yet Mrs Barrett" he scolded me tutting at me like I was a naughty girl. I grabbed the twins hands and watched as Gracie raced to her daddy's side and took ahold of his spare hand. It took me both hands to carry the car seat yet Grayson made it look effortless with just one. I really needed to work out soon!

"Yes Mr Barrett yes sir" I stuck my tongue out at him but didn't miss the way his eyes flashed darker when I said 'yes Sir' . Horny bastard! I'd barely given birth and he was subtly enquiring when I could have sex again. I don't mind asking me either, oh no that was another thing he spoke to the midwife about.

That was just before we were released from the hospital and able to go home. The midwife, Cassie has laughed, even snorted thinking he was joking but the lack of amusement on my face made her quickly realise that he was being deadly serious.

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