Girly talk

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Grayson was holding me as I sobbed, my body shaking in anguish as everyone else ran around trying to do their jobs and find our babies. My brain was going into overdrive thinking the very worst and thinking how it's their birthday in a fortnight and how we had a huge day planned out to celebrate them turning one and now everything was ruined.

The more I thought the more I cried. The more I cried the tighter Grayson held me. Just like he always held me up when I was falling. He was my tower of strength that held me up whenever I was weak. I don't know why I ever took him for granted and I felt horrible for being so awful to him. I was always hot and cold with him, I'd pull him in then push him away.

I never quite let him in fully but now I was immersed in everything about him. I never wanted to let him go or lose sight of him. I had never realised how much I needed and wanted him until that very second.

I promised myself I'd tell him and show him exactly how much he meant to me once our babies were safe and in our arms again.

My phone ringing broke me from my thoughts and I hurried to answer it feeling Grayson's eyes watching me in hopes that it was about the boys.

"Hello Addie. What gorgeous boys you have. They are the spitting image of their daddy aren't they? I bet poor Grayson is rather angry with me isn't he?" Lillian mocked a sweet and innocent voice taunting us through the phone like the coward she was.

"What." I growled not prepared to listen to her fakery a second longer.

"It's quite simple actually. I want to talk to you darling, alone. No storming off and throwing tantrums. You do that and you can take your boys once we are through"

"What's the catch?" That sounded way too simple to me and my gut told me there was more to it.

"There isn't a catch. You just might not like what I have to say but you have to listen" she actually sounded honest for a rare moment in her life.

"Text me the address. Let Grayson come and take care of the boys while we talk and it's a deal"

"Fine but nobody leaves until you and I have our little chat" Lillian huffed and hung up the phone.

I relayed the information to Grayson and Hunter who both listened with clenched jaws and tight fists. Their anger was palpable.

"I'll come and help out" Hunter offered kindly but it felt wrong accepting his help after our conversation.

"No could you stay with Gracie. I'd feel better knowing you were with her" that was true. He was better keeping her safe than assisting us.

Preston and Luke were our boys. This felt like something Grayson and I had to do by ourselves.

"Okay just ring me when the boys are safe" Hunter looked slightly hurt by my words but I didn't have time to worry about that.

Grayson advised Police and they agreed that the safest option was for me and him to head for the meeting with police backup and they would arrest Lillian afterwards.

Grayson broke about every single traffic law as we flew through traffic to get to the address Lillian had sent me. How she had my number I didn't know and I didn't care right now either. I just wanted my boys back.

We arrived at a marina full of fancy looking, expensive boats and we quickly found a boat called 'Lilly' and climbed aboard. Grayson whistles lowly in amazement at the huge size of the boat we were on.

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