A grudge

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Mads PoV

After the fight Grayson was rushed away to do interviews and photos with the media so I rejoined they gang and we all went over our favourite parts of the fight and just enjoyed the elation that Grayson had well and truly kicked Tommy's ass .

"I fucking love my brother" Dylan smirked proudly as he counted the huge wad of cash he'd won by betting on Grayson for the third time since he'd collected it. Usually I would have told him to be a little more discreet but he was being flanked by my three brothers so it was safe to say nobody would dare try anything.

Plus it was well known who Dylan's own big brothers were so like at school when we grew up, nobody would even think to pick on him in any way shape or thought!!

"Maybe you can take me shopping" Emily chimed in with a sly smile on her face as she looked over at me knowing full well how much Dylan despised girly shopping.

"Maybe you can go get yourself something nice babe" Dylan tried to keep an even tone but his horrified expression spoke volumes.

"Aww thanks Dylan. Maybe I'll just take your credit card" Emily cooed him , kissing his cheek and grinning knowing she'd gotten him exactly where she wanted him. 

"Whatever you want Em" Dylan agreed wholeheartedly pulling her into his side for a tight hug.

"Wow you are such a dumbass" I rolled my eyes and shook my head at my best friend and how easily he'd just been played whilst leaning my arm over him to high five Emily.

"You are very feisty tonight Madison. First you ate all my chips and now you insult me. I'm truly offended" he placed his hand over his heart and put on a sad puppy dog look which made me snort loudly in amusement.

"You should have bought us all chips instead of being selfish. Stop whinging like a baby and go take Emily out for the most expensive champagne you can find!" I was bored of waiting and needed to see Grayson right away before I exploded from the sheer number of times this damn vibrator had edged me close to orgasming and then died down just at the last minute.

"Wow bossy too" Dylan got to his feet and stuck his tongue out at me playfully.

"It does sound like a great idea though" Emily pointed out as she stood up and grabbed her bag from the floor. Dylan couldn't help but spank her butt as she bent over which made her yelp loud enough for all of us to notice.

"She loves it" Dylan laughed loudly completely unfazed by the daggers he was currently being attacked by via his wife's eyes.

"Have a good night guys" Tyler was finding this entire scene rather amusing as he began to led the rest of us towards the private area of the arena where the changing room s and press rooms were.

"Night, I love you both" blowing two kisses to both Emily and a Dylan as they said their goodbyes then headed off out towards the main exit I couldn't help but chuckle as I heard her chastising him for embarrassing her like that as he grovelled for forgiveness. Dylan really has his work cut out trying to make that one right and I knew Emily well enough to know it would cost his bank balance big time.

Miley and Jayden had gone home straight after the fight had finished as Jayden's mum who was caring for Harlow had called to say she was unsettled and crying for her parents. Rather than leave her overnight and celebrate with us they'd headed to take her home instead.

The arena was almost empty apart from the members of staff who were mulling around tidying up after the amazing evenings action.

The security that guarded the areas off limits to the public recognised us immediately and let us through into the long hallway in which the changing rooms all sat.

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