Chapter Eight: Mitch

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I don't know how I feel about this Scott guy. But its about kirstie. Scotts an alpha. Kirstie has bad experiences. I don't know of this is gonna work.

We find a cheap motel and book a room for a couple of nights and we head to the walmart down the street.

When I saw Kirstie's face light up as we walked into the store I couldn't help but smile. I asked scott to go and get some food and stuff so I could talk to kirstie.

"Hey Kirst?" I asked as we were looking at shirts.

"Yeah?" She smiled. She really is beautiful.

"Why...why did you tell me all of that stuff? Like all that personal stuff...about You having a child and what Jeremy had done?"

"Honestly...I don't know. I feel safe with you. I trust you. I can smell how protective you are and how angry and sad you got when I told you. I know you wont do anything to hurt me. You being easy to talk to helps too. You don't judge me or make fun of me or call me names-"

"You mean...people have done that to you in the past?"

She grabbed a shirt and held it up.

"Yeah. But it wasn't anything I hadn't heard before."

"You shouldn't have heard that in the first place. You are so sweet and gentle and kind. Plus you are absolutely adorable, kirstie. You are beautiful and compassionate. Everything this world lacks. I know we haven't known each other long but I already know that you are special."

She started tearing up as she put the shirt back. Then next thing I know there are two little arms wrapped around me and a face snuggled into my chest.

"Not to mention you are a complete snuggle bug." I laugh. She laughs too. This is the first time I have heard her laugh. I'm gonna make sure its not the last.

"Hey this shirt is cute." I grab the one next to the one she was looking at. "Go try this on. What size pants are you?"

"I think a 10?"

"Okay well figure it out" I smile. Shes so tiny. She's built like a child, yet shes 19.

I go to the pants section only to collapse in pain. It's suddenly very hot and a cant really breathe because of how hot it is.

I hear someone saying my name. But it's very muffled.

"Mitch? Mitch!"

I open my eyes for a second to be greeted by Scott's red eyes. Mine instinctively turn blue.

"A-alpha..." Never before has this been so bad. Never this intense.

"Okay...Kirstie." I hear scott say. "We need to get him out of here. Its not safe. Any alpha can smell him. Especially since he's a male. His scent is stronger than yours would be but only by a little bit."

I was hyper aware of every place Scott was making contact with me. I could smell his want. He is an alpha after all.
I could feel his hand on my face cupping the side of it. His other hand was on my thigh.

Another wave of pain went over me. Then I felt scotts hands tighten and he growled.

"Don't you growl at me you bastard." I say laughing weakly. He composes himself and I feel myself getting picked up. Luckily the store was only about a block from the motel.

I did my best to hold it back but yet another shriek escaped me. Scotts eyes turned red and his grip tightened. It hurt but he must have smelled my pain cause his grip loosened quickly.

We got to the hotel and I was overheating. This was going to go on for 3 days and I have no one to help me out of it.

I sweat through my shirt so when we got into the room scott took off my shirt and asked kirstie to get a cold rag.

He put it against my forehead. I felt a little better...until another wave hit me. His eyes turned red and he walked out the door but didn't leave.

"Its okay Mitchy. I know it hurts your gonna be okay. How long is this going to last?"

"Ab-b-bout th-three d-d-days." I cried. It was so hot. "It hurts!" I cried. Scott barged in with yet again red eyes.

"Kirstie leave the room please? Just for a few minutes." His eyes hadn't turned back to blue yet.

Hers changed to blue. "Yes alpha." She said obediently ad she walked out.

Scott walked over to me and sat next to me.

"Mitch if I help you will your pain go away?"

I nodded with tears in my eyes. I'm in to much pain to acknowledge the fact that Scott's an alpha and just offered to help me through my heat.

"Now I can't have sex with you but I can do other things. Will that be okay?"

"Anything to make it stop. Please alpha."

"Okay Mitch."

He takes a breath.


A/N: almost 70 reads. Wow. I know its not a lot compared to other stories but I'm still super happy. Anyway. I really hope you guys like it. I have so many plans but I want to hear ideas. Feedback is greatly appreciated...good or bad. So if you have  anything to say about anything, lemme know!

P.S. I will be bringing in Avi and Kevin I'm just getting the three situated so to speak.

~🌈 Jordan ❤~

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