Chapter Thirteen: Kirstie

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Its been a week since I've met scott and Mitch. I love these boys. They've listened to me rant, they've held me while I've cried. They've even did my make up a couple times. They said that a beautiful girl should know that shes beautiful. It wasn't a full face just enough to accent some of my features: eyeliner, mascara, and a nude lipstick.

These boys are the best things that ever happened to me. I wouldn't trade them for the world.

I've become more comfortable around Scott, since we talked. He doesn't frighten me as much.

We haven't really found anywhere to go since our time at the motel was up, so we all go back to the alleyway that Mitch found me in. Its cold at night and I think I'm getting sick. I haven't been feeling well. Stuffy nose, headaches. Coughing, sneezing. All that fun stuff.

I feel horrible. I want to just have a nice warm bath and sleep in a comfortable bed. But I have neither. So I just cuddle up to mitch when I can.

Scott is asleep. He took guard over night and woke me up when it was my turn. But then I smell something. Fear. Coming from Scott.

I look at him and he's pale. He starts thrashing about and I run over to try and wake him up. This results in me getting hit in the face.

Knowing he didn't mean it I try to shake it off, ignoring the tears in my eyes and the small gash in my cheek.

After a second, I pull myself together and manage to wake scott up.

His eyes shoot open and they are red. I hold my ground. His eyes quickly change back to there original blue and his hand flies to my face by the wound on by cheek.

I instinctively flinch and shrink away.

"Did I...?" He asked. "Oh my g-god Kirstie! I-I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"
There were tears in his eyes. He genuinely didn't like that he hurt me. Most alpha don't care if they hurt me.

I sob and throw my arms around him.

"Oh Kirstie. Im so sorry hunny. I didn't mean to. Please don't be scared of me. Please. Im so sorry." He had his arm tight around me. He wasn't hurting me, though. It was one if those tight secure hugs.

"It's okay Scotty. I know you didn't mean to. I can smell your sadness. Its okay." I say as I stroke his hair.

I love these boys. Both of them. Im not in love with them (because I know that they're gay, or at least Mitch is. I think Scotts bi).

I hear Mitch start to wake up. I look at him and he's rubbing his eyes lime a small child. He's so adorable.

"What's going on?" He says to me. Then his eyes go towards the wound on my cheek. "Oh my god! What happened? Are you okay?"

"Im fine Mitchy. Scott was having a bad dream and he was thrashing around and as I tried to wake him up i got hit. He didn't mean it though. He didn't even know he did it."

"Okay Scott." Mitch started. "What is going on? This is the fourth time you have had a nightmare in the last week. What is it? I don't mean to pry or anything, but if its getting to the point that someones getting hit in the process of trying to wake you need to talk to us. We're in this together. We've been together for a week now and we know almost nothing of each other. So...I'll start. I'm Mitch. I'm 19, gay, omega, and my parents abandoned me.

"Umm." I  start. "I'm Kirstin, or Kirstie. 18 almost 19. Ummm...curious, I guess. I've always kind if had an interest in girls. I'm an omega, and I was...uhh know."

"Well I'm Scott. 20. Alpha. Bi. And my dad has been abusing me for years. I actually almost died a couple of days ago."

I look at him. I start tearing up.

"I got into a fight with my dad and he threw a glass at me. It shattered and sone pieces got stuck around my eye. Then I talked back and so he grabbed me by my hair and threw me down the stairs. I hit my head on the corner of the bottom stair and i woke up in the hospital two days later and my dad was in cuffs." Tears have shown up. I've never seen an alpha cry. He acts so strong...when really...he's just as broken and Mitch and I.

I hug him again and give him a light kiss on his stitches that I now know the reason those are there.

"Its okay Scotty. I love you. Thank you for being who you are."

"Yeah" Mitch said. "You're amazing and strong. Thank you." And mitch wraps his long skinny arms around both of us.

My boys.

A/N: Thank you guys so much for the reads and the votes.  I really hope you guts really like where this story is going. Lemme know what you  think! Thank you!

~ 🌈 Jordan ❤~

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