Chapter 95: Mitch

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I'm gonna do a little time skip simply bc I'm running out of ideas for the time line in this part. Its only gonna be like 2  weeks. I really wanna get to Kavi stuff tbh lol. And I'm sure y'all do as well.


According to Kevin, I slept for almost four days. Scott said it felt like an eternity.

I've gotten better. Ive talked about what happened mostly with Kirstie, since she understands. Shes helped me with some coping techniques which have really helped. Addalin let's me hold her now, with minimal fussing, which I know is a good thing.

Shes growing so fast. She can feel emotions I guess. Avi figured that one out. He thinks it could be something to do with her being both a female alpha and the offspring of a male omega and an alpha. Shes special. Like, special special. But she's still my little girl, so she's always gonna be special to me.

Speaking of my child, I check my phone and its almost eight and she's awake. She not crying or anything. In fact, she sitting up babbling around.

I get up and go over to her. "My goodness!" I say in a baby voice. "Someones happy and awake." She babbles at me. "Gosh, how did we creat such a beautiful child?" I ask as I pick her up. She smacks my chest and squeals as I carry her downstairs. I see, Kirstie and Esther sitting on the couch, giggling about whatever and go into the kitchen where Avi is making breakfast.

"Morning." I say, putting Addalin in her highchair, since shes big enough now. It will never seize to amaze me how fast she's growing. Kevin said it should slow down around four months and it seems like it has. At this point, she just seems like a very intelligent 4 month old. Looks like it too.

"Hey, Mitch. How you feeling?" He says the same thing every morning. Not that I don't understand, I'm just tired of everyone treating me like a walking time bomb.

"I'm okay. Woke up to see her sitting up." I say, nodding towards Addalin.

"Already? Wow. Do you uh, wanna round everyone up? Breakfast is done."

"Yeah, sure." I shrug and walk out to Kirstie and Esther. I give a slight cutesy. "Milady's. Breakfast is ready." I say.

Kirstie jumped and squealed. Why this girl was so excited about breakfast was beyond me. I laugh and I see Esther sitting on the couch.

I sit next to her and grab her hand and kiss it. "You okay?"

She shrugs and rubs her belly with her free hand. "I'm okay. I mean, I've been better."

"I get that. I cant say I know exactly what you're feeling, but if you ever need to talk, you can always come to me." I say sincerely.

She looks at me fondly. "Thank you, Mitchy. That means a lot. Thank you." She leans forward and gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Hows the little girl doing?" I nod to her stomach.

"How do you know its a girl?" She chuckled.

I shrug. "I don't know. I'm guessing. Plus, me and Avi have a bet."

"Of course you do. Well, the baby is fine. Other than making me throw up almost consistently and making me pee all the time, life is great."

"I felt that deep in my soul. But trust me, it'll all be worth it. I wasn't ready and I was a wreck when I found out I was pregnant. Just ask Scott." I laugh. "Come on, lets get some food in you." I stand up and hold out my hands for her to grab.

We walk to the kitchen and Addalin squeals at us, then smacks her tray. "Avi, I think she's hungry." I joke. She still on formula because she obviously doesn't have teeth, but at this point with her, I wouldn't be surprised if she grew a full set over night.

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