Chapter 147: Avi

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I grab the twins and head downstairs, letting Kirstie sleep.

I set them down in their bouncers and head to make breakfast. I start making the eggs and the bacon, when I hear Mitch come down stairs with Addalin on his hip.

"Mornin, sunshine." I smile.

He grumbles something as he puts Addalin in her chair. He goes over and gives the twins snuggles before coming over to me and placing his head on my shoulder.

"You good?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Mmm, tired." He says as he wraps his arms around one of mine.

"Baby keeping you awake?" He nods.

Then I hear a sniffle. "Aw, Mitchy. C'mere." I get my arm out of his grip and pull him into my side as I feel him starting to cry.

Its taking everything in me not to cry right along with him.

"I'm up and down all night long and Scott's there just sleeping away. And then there's the fact that he won't touch me, which doesn't help anything." He pushes away from me and wipes his face then wraps his arms around himself.

"Why won't he touch you?"

"Because I'm fat and gross and disgusting." He says flatly.

"Stop that. What have we told you about self-degradation?"

"Not to." He whined.

"Correct. And another thing: you're pregnant. You're growing a human life. You're not fat, gross, or disgusting." I put a finger under his chin to tilt his head up. "You're beautiful."

He lets out a sob as I pull him in for a hug. Poor kid, he's a wreck.

"Its okay, buddy. Its okay." I rub down his back as he cries.

After a little bit, he pulls back and wipes his face as he sniffles. "Im sorry."

"Mitch, its okay. Don't apologize." I give him a small smile.

I hear something clatter and as I wasn't expecting it a jump a little bit.

"Fuck!" I heard.

Mitch and I look at each other with wide eyes.

"Was that..." Mitch trails off.

I nod. "Addalin."

We both look at her and see her reaching for something on the ground, obviously not reaching it bc her arms aren't even a foot long.

"Addalin-Lila Amanda Grassi-Hoying, you did not just say that word." Mitch scolds her and lightly pops her in the mouth. "You don't say that-wait a minute." He turns to me.

What I don't expect is for him to start yelling.


"Mitch, Mitch, calm down." I say, going over to him.

"Avi, I am beyond irritated right now. Did you not hear what My daughter just said?!" He shrieked.

"Yes I did. But you cannot stress yourself out." I point to his stomach.

He glares. "RICHARD!!"

The next thing I see is Scott literally tumbling down the stairs. He frantically scrambles to his feet and stares wide eyed at us. "What?" I can tell he was jolted out of his sleep and when I look up, I can tell everyone else was too.

"What?" He repeats.

"Your daughter just said her first word." mitch sassed, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes.

Scott began to smile, but once he saw the look on Mitch's face, it dropped faster than someone with an iron deficiency.

"What was it?"

"Take a fucking guess." Mitch hissed.

"Momma?" He tried.




"Well, then what?"

Mitch glared. "Fuck." He said pointedly, arms still crossed, shifting his weight to his other hip.

"Uh, oh." Scott said. I could see the fear in his eyes.

"Care to explain? I know I slip up a lot, but I catch myself most of the time. But you. How often do you swear in front of her when I'm not here?"

Scott looked nervous, and looking at Mitch, I can see why, but honestly, Im with Mitch, but that's probably the bond, because Im also very pissed off right now.

"Im sorry?" Scott said nervously.

Mitch just shook his head. "I don't...I can'" He said before walking off.

"Fuck." Scott said, rubbing his face. "I mean..." He said quickly. "Man." He whined.

I may be pissed off, but this whole situation is funny.

I can't help but let out a chuckle. I watch as Kirstie comes down from where she was watching, just to smack me in the arm.


"Don't start with me. You'd be just as upset if it was Logan or Christopher. Especially if it was Christopher." She eyed me.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"But, to be completely honest." She said with a smirk after Scott ran after Mitch. "It was kinda funny watching Mitch blow up on him like that."

"Yeah, for you maybe. Do you forget that i feel what he does?" I ask, probably a little to loud, because then everyone comes down stairs and gives me a weird look.

"What?" I snap.

"Are you..." Kevin started. "Are you mirroring Mitch's pregnancy symptoms?"

I bring a hand to my forehead. "Oh, my fucking god. Yes! I've been mirroring him this entire time. That's why I've been so off lately."

I see Esther laughing in the corner. "Shut up." I grumble, but she just keeps laughing. "Stop it." I whine, feeling my mood change from angry to whiny.

She laughs even harder. "You're adorable."

I turn away so no one can see me pout and criss my arms. I hate this so much.

I hear yelling upstairs, and instantly book it. Mitch doesn't need to be yelling, as it puts a lot of strain on his body. Half way up I fall when i feel a pain in my stomach. I ignore it and get back up, Kevin on my heels.

I see Mitch doubled over holding his stomach.

"Scott, I'm gonna kill you." Kevin says, going over to examine Mitch. "He's fine. He'll be fine. Its just the muscles again." He helped mitch stand up straight and looked between him and Scott. "You two need to stop getting into fights. At least while you're pregnant, Mitch. I mean it." He checked Mitch's stomach one last time before walking away.

"Well." I say. I go over and wrap an arm around both Mitch and Scott. "I think you two need to go do something. Something physical."

They both look at me confused. "Go have sex or something. Mitch is so horny, I've been wanting to jump Kirstie's bones for days now." We all chuckle. "Kiss and make up." I push the two of them closer and head back downstairs.

Im stopped by Kirstie. "And why haven't you?" She bites her lip.

I smirk. "You want me to?"

She nods and jumps, wrapping her legs around my waist as I carry her back upstairs and to our room.

Not at all what I was expecting, but it works, right?

I thought so.

Love y'all

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