Chapter Twenty-Three: Kirstie

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Kryptonite. That is Superman's weakness. Its lethal to him. Jeremy is my kryptonite. I cant just ignore that I'm carrying his child. Pup development takes about half as long as human development. For us its like 4 1/2 months. I have about three months left.

The baby is growing fast. Both Scott and Avi have been eyeing me. The attraction I feel to Scott I don't know what it is. Avi, on the other hand, he does little things for me all the time. He's sort of shy about it though. I've been here a month and you would think I'd be fine and I am. There's something about this baby that's making me afraid.

I trust Avi. I do. But...i just...don't know.

"Kirstie?" Avi calls. I used the restroom before I went to help scott but I for caught up in looking at my bump in the mirror. Its a little Jeremy. The thought should make me happy, but instead it makes me sick. I've been feeling off for a few days but the doctor said everything was fine when I saw him.

I let my shirt fall and I head downstairs. I hold my stomach as I walk into the kitchen. I move my hand in small circles. Avi sees this and smiles. I may be slightly attracted to him. He's sweet and kind and gentle. He doesn't treat me like I'm going to break. None of them do. Plus his eyes are magnificent. I could share at them all day long.

"Kirstie?" Scott says. He laughs because he knows how i feel about Avi. I've talked to him about it one night when I accidentally woke him up from puking.

"Yes alpha?" I say shaking my head to clear it.

"You gonna help?"

"Y-yeah." I take my hand off of my stomach and start setting up the table with plates, forks, knives, and glasses.

About a half hour later we are all sitting at the table waiting for Kevin to say Grace.

"Dear lord, thank you for this meal, may you bless the hands that made it. Thank you for this amazing pack Avi and I have been able to build. Thank you for helping them with everything you have these last few weeks. I pray that you continue to watch over my fellow pack members and make sure that they stay healthy and happy. In your name we pray, amen."

"Amen." We all say in unison. I'm not really hungry though. I don't feel sick or anything. Im just not hungry. I eat a few bites to make it look like I'm eating.

I suddenly feel light headed. I get up and put my plate in the sink.

"Kirstin?" Avi asks.

"Yes?" I say my head starts spinning. I cant see straight. I manage to keep my balance when I grab ahold of the counter. My face feels hot.

"Did you forget something?"


My knees buckle and I fall to the ground. The tile floor is nice and cool on my hot face.

"Kirsten?" Avi says. I then feel hands on my body moving me onto my back. Kevin leaves for a second and comes back with a wet rag.

Avi lifts up my shirt and a hand on my stomach. I think he's checking if the baby us okay. I can still feel it moving so it should be fine.

My head is in Mitch's lap.

"Shes burning up. We need to cool her down but I don't want to move her. I have no idea what's wrong. Has she eaten today, before dinner?" I shake my head barely comprehending what's happening. Suddenly my stomach hurts. I turn and scrunch into a ball and I cradle my stomach.

"Okay, Avi. Call 911. I'm going to get her undressed to try and cool her off. Scott go with him." I cant see but i feel Scott leave the room with Avi.

"M-Mitch-ch st-stays-s-s." I say and pain rack through my body.

"Okay sweetie. You're gonna be fine. Im just going to take your shirt off is that okay? Your shorts will stay on."

I nod because i can't say anything else.

I hear Avi in the living room trying to calm Scott down. It's killing him to be away from me right now. I can sense it.
I don't know what is being said but I don't think its working.

My senses are in overdrive. I can feel everything. From Mitch's fingers in my hair to Kevin's hands grazing my stomach as he takes my shirt off. I get set back down and the floor is too cold for my back. I arch it to get away from the cold.

I don't know how long it is before i pass out but the last thing i see is Avi looking at me with his beautiful green eyes.


I wake up in a white room. There are lights in my eyes as everything starts to come too.

I feel a hand on mine and when i look up a see its Avi's.

"What happened?" I ask. I suddenly remember bits and pieces and my hand flies to my belly. When i feel the little bump still there and still how it was i feel better.

"The babies fine. You just had a severe panic attack combined with severe dehydration."

"That's what I figured it was" kevin said. "That's why i took your shirt off. I was trying to get some fluids in you but your jaw was clenched."

I nod. After a few minutes of me gathering myself up. A doctor comes in. Shes pretty. She looks like Avi.

I feel my eyes widen as I remember who she is. She treated me when I miscarried.

"Kirsten?" She says.


"Wait..." Avi started. "You two know each other?"

"Yeah I treated her last year."

"Is she the one you told me about?"

"Yeah. But I didn't know she was in your pack now. You like his pack?" She asks me.

I nod. I really like Avi's pack. I feel safe and at home.

"Well Kirsten. You'll be happy to hear thst you are just fine. You had sever dehydration which cause your body to panic and go into panic mode. More good news, you baby is just fine. Kevin told me your stomach was hurting but that was just your muscles contracting.
You're fine and your baby's fine. While your here, do you want me to do an ultrasound? I think your far enough along to find out the gender."

"Umm I dont know. Can i talk to her in private guys?"

"Yeah sure." Avi says as he gets up to leave. He herds the others out as well.

After a minute Esther asks me "please don't tell me this is the same situation as before?"

Tears form in my eyes. I nod. "Only this time I know who the father is. He raped me, Es. Multiple times. Everyday I think about how this was made possible and who did it. I don't want his kid, but im not going to kill it. Its my child too. What am I going to do? I cant tell him. I don't want anything to do with him. Thinking about him inside me...hurting me. I'm honestly surprised this was even possible. Last time I was here, you told me getting pregnant was almost impossible after what had happened."

"Well, here's what can do. Adoption, or you raise the child with your pack. Maybe talk to Avi. He's my brother by the way. He didn't leave your side once while you were out. Whenever someone tried to get him to leave he growled at them. He cares about you. When we where younger all he wanted, still wants, is a beautiful omega and to have a beautiful family with her. He loves kids. He's talked to me about you, you know that? Maybe, if you gave him a chance, you'll find yourself in the same boat. Bragging to your friends about the alpha that saved you. I mean, you saved him. He was in a dark place when he took you guys in. He'll never voluntarily tell you that himself though."

I look at her and nod. I guess I have sort of developed a thing for the alpha. He's so kind to me. I smile.

When I see him I'm going to tell him how I feel.

But for now, im really tired. So I thank esther and I drift off to sleep. Before I'm fully out though i feel a hand on mine and know instantly that its Avi's. I think about how his hand feels until I fall asleep.

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