V3 - Chapter Nineteen.

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               Sound of the doorbell ringing around the large compound, while I walked out of the bathroom into the upstairs hallway in a dark blue, long satin cami nightgown with a silk wrap around the front of my hair to keep my sleek hair down. I could overhear Capri downstairs having an heated conversation with someone; no one responded so I assumed he was speaking on the phone. About to enter my room, I stopped when I heard another voice. .

"Damn, I woulda hated to be on the otha' end of that call."

Curiosity had gotten the best of me when I heard another deep voice. I walked to the top of the two-way staircase and eavesdropped on their conversation. I quickly found out the unknown baritone voice belonged to his brother that's younger than him. . which was news to me because I figured he only had that one brother. He never spoke about having anymore.

Then again, I'm not his wife to know personal information.

"A'ight — that li'l braud you lookin' for, Yolanda. . ."

My eyes perked as the conversation between the brothers had my undivided attention. . Yolanda?

"Whatchu kno' bout her?" Capri asked; confusion lacing his tone.

"Nothin'. Just figured you should let her rock wherever she at."

He chuckled quietly, "oh, you kno' sumthin, baby brotha'. . Where she at?"

"Yo' guess is just as good as mine—"

"Even better question," he interrupted the unknown man, "who you kno' that kno' where she at?"

"A friend."

"A friend?" He reiterated, "stop playin' wit me, Rico. Who dis friend? You can tell me or I'll just find where she at."

Friend? Rico?

Where in the hell did she go?

"Mercedes told me—"

"Of-fuckin'-course!" Capri laughed loudly, "yo' pussy-whipped ass com' strollin' in my mufuckin' crib to tell me yo li'l braud got my fuckin' property!"

Is Mercedes a girlfriend?

"She ain't got her—"

"Ion' give a fuck!" Capri raised his tone, in which made me kinda flinch, "she clearly kno' where da fuck she at. You better tell me sumn or I'd hate to have to show up at pretty li'l miss doorstep for a second time."

"Don't play wit me, J. ." the unfamiliar man by the name of Rico tone turned defensive.

Capri then chuckled, "Nigga, I don't fear you like these otha' scrubs boy. Ion' interfere wit what the fuck you do so you interferin' in mine for what, som' pussy? You better sho' me the same mufuckin' respect before I do step into yo' shit."

"I wouldn't be hea' if I ain't believe she needed to stay out dis shit."

Capri silenced for a second. "Give me a good reason; you do, I'll leave shorty alone."

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