V2 - Chapter Seventeen.

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               Conversation with Larenz was honestly needed. To have someone there to listen and just let me talk. I am always this person to not express my feelings to anyone and build the tough exterior. A listening ear has always been good. A hour of the relaxation on top of the rusted, old train track I rode in the passenger seat of his Dodge Charger Hellcat, nearing my neighborhood and spotting the corner store.

"You can, uh, pull at the store."

He steered the wheel into the corner store Primetime. "You sure? I can drive you all the way home."

"No. . . uh, it's okay. Thank you for the talk. It helped." Opening the door I stepped out and bent over to say one last thing, "before my deathbed we can have a drink together one day. You can tell me your sorrows and I listen."

"Maybe," he chuckled as he looked at me. "I got yo number."

Shutting the door I watched him reverse out of the parking lot. As his vehicle pulled further I walked away from the door and footing along the sidewalk in the direction of my block. Hands tucked in the pockets of my hoodie. A walk of silence and two blocks from the house turned into a car turning sharply in the street I was about to pass, but abruptly had to stop to prevent from being roadkill, and the door pushed open.

My eyes enlarged when I seen K.P. Seconds away fro raising my feet to bolt in the other direction, but my hair is caught by his hand. I winced when I he slammed my body into his vehicle and grabbed my face with his other hand.

"You one hard ass person to find," he snickered at my fear. "And you been right here in front of everybody face. You got away from me at the terminal but not tonight. Get in the car."

"No—" he squeezed my jawline.

"You don't have a choice," A sharp object poked the side of my stomach. "Only reason why I'm not stabbin' you the fuck up, thieving ass bitch, is cause Profit wanna deal wit you on his own. Now, getcho' dumb ass in the car."


Ramming my knee into his crotch, he groaned and bent over. I took that advantage to bolt away from him as he screamed something behind me. I focused on running to stay alive another day for my sisters. Not myself. Car headlights neared and I thought quickly, reverting into the alley that will get me to the block I live on faster. Quick glance over my shoulder I heard a gun shot from the pistol he held out of the window parked at the end of the alley. A shot aiming for me, but missed and pierced into the concrete. I shrieked and continued to run while looking ahead of me with multiple shots firing behind me.

Untouched, I made it to the house without a gunshot wound. Neighbors peered out of their windows, and standing on their porches to see what happened. I barged through the front door and stopped the immediate chattering. Spun around and panting heavily, Banner and his friends looked at me weirdly as smoke clouded.

"Get out..." I demanded his friends, but they continued to sit on they asses as if I did not say anything, "Did you not fucking hear? Get the fuck out! Get your nothing asses the fuck out of here!"

Looking from me to Banner, he head nodded to the door and within seconds they stood in unison and footing passed me out of the door.

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