V3 - Chapter Twenty Two.

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I could've followed her to plea my case, but what good would it possibly do right now? She mad. . livid. Anything that come out my mouth, she wouldn't hear because her anger overpowered her listening when it came to me. I observed her as she climbed into the backseat of Giovanni fiancée's Range Rover, shutting the door, and to it driving out the cemetery.

I fucked up, bad.

I should have done what she asked; leaving her alone and gave her this one thing to do for herself, but for my own selfish reason, I couldn't.

I needed her in my life. She was the only woman that balanced me out from being as evil as this life yearned for me to be with what I have to do everyday. I lost my soul the day I pulled the trigger and took a man's life when I was twelve years old. But with Mercedes, I felt whole, one with a soul. I was better with her. I was myself with her — the me my mother never allowed me to be. She made me love being the innocent and loving part of Rico Daniels and not Profit.

As I approached the white Rolls-Royce with black tinted windows, my main driver Fernando opened the right suicide door while I fished for my cell and dialed my mother's number. I offered Fernando a quick nod as I climbed into the leather interior and listened to the line ringing in my ear. Fernando shut the door, got in the front seat himself, and drove out the cemetery.

She answered at the last minute. "Yes, my dear son?"

"Did you seriously have to open yo' fuckin' mouth to her?" I asked as the air condition kicked in. "I told you as a son talkin' to his fuckin' motha. Not you goin' to spill information I told you in confidence. How you even kno' who her doctor is anyway? I never told you that."

"I know a lot," She said. "And recognize who you called. Watch your tone. You haven't handled your motormouth daughter. She tried ruining the business I broke my break for; sacrificed for, so of course I told your new baby mother the truth since you were just too weak to do so. How long were you going to wait? Until she had the baby?" She laughed, "grow up and be a fucking man. Deal with the issue in front of you."

"I was going to deal with it..." I sighed under my breath, "at my own time. Not you doing it just to piss her off."

"Deal now. As for Val, you got until tomorrow before I handle it myself." The dial-tone sounded in my ear as she hung up in my face.

Scoffing, I pressed on Mercedes contact and called. She doesn't answer. At least twice and the third time I went straight to voicemail. She blocked my number. My phone alerted me of a incoming text and I assumed it was from Cedes, but it was from Chubs, letting me know his whereabouts.

"Aye, Fernando, go to Wiley Post."

With a head nod, he redirected the steering and drove twenty minutes north to the private airport. Pulling in, the G6 plane was there with the staircase down, awaiting my arrival. I got out the Rolls-Royce, letting Fernando know I would hit him when I touched back down and walked up into the G6. Chubs sat in the leather tan seat with a deadpan look as Valentina shouted her complaints, expressing her aggravations.

She had her hair up in a messy bun and dressed in a scoop neck tank and burgundy sweatpants. Her warm, golden tan skin turned a shade of red.

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