V3 - Chapter Twenty Four.

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My attempt to raise from the ground was short lived when a swift kick was sent to the side of my stomach; grunting and laying back on the floor. Pain shot through my body as the intruder behind me, wrapped his arm around my neck and applying pressure. Shorter intruder sent a punch to my face and stomach. I started to become lightheaded just as my kids faces start popping in my head.

I regained my strength, kicking the one in front of me between his legs as hard as I could and he doubled over. Then, I reeled my head forward and bringing it back, head-butting the one behind me. He groaned, releasing from my neck and tending to his bloody nose. My punch to the intruder doubled over sent him to the ground, knocking him out.

Promptly, I turned around in my orthodox stance to go toe to toe with the overly tall intruder. Blood also covered his crooked teeth. He spit blood from his mouth and crazed eyes looked at me through the ski-mask.

"We're s'posed to leave you alive, but now, I'm gonna tie you up and make you watch me fuck that hija of yours then kill you pendejo!" Before he could lunge towards me, a fireplace tool whipped him across his head, which made his movements still. His extremely tall and solid build collapse onto the tile floor. Blood oozes from the hole in his temple, spreading across the tile.

My eyes landed on steel poker dripping with blood and to shaky hand that held it, which belonged to Carmen. She stood puzzled, staring down at the profuse blood coming from his head. A few splatters of blood got on her face.


"I had to," she said lowly.

"You done right," I slowly inched towards her. She was in a state of shock and I didn't want her to swing it at me thinking I was trying to attack her. "They broke in here — in our shit. You was only protecting us."

A low gasp left her mouth when I grabbed a hold of her hand that's holding the fireplace poker. She relaxed when I gave her a head nod, releasing the steel tool and engulfed me in a hug.

"I killed him," her voice and body shakes.

"Aye'," I pulled away, taking her face into my hands, "you done whatchu was s'posed to do. We gotta get dress and leave, aight?"

"Dad. . Is everything okay now?" I heard Ashanti call, approaching the kitchen where the bodies were.

"Paper towels on the counter. Wipe down yo' face." I instructed Carmen before quickly placing the tool on the counter and leaving the kitchen, ignoring the aching surging through my muscles and meeting Ashanti right before she turned off the stairs.

She gasped at the condition my face was in. "Dad—"

"Go get yo' brothas and sister dressed," I cut into her sentence. "We boutta leave."

"Are you okay?"

"It's just a black eye and busted lip, I've dealt wit worse. Go, now, Ashanti."

She, though reluctant, jogged back upstairs to do as I asked.

Just as I turned around, Carmen was walking into the living room with the blood stained paper towel and said, "Catalina sent them — I knew this was going to fucking happen!"

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