Author's note

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Hello gorgeous!

Firstly, thank you so much for selecting this story. Now, since this is my first time writing anything on any platform, kindly overlook any mistakes. Because when you judge blindly, it kinda hurts.

All characters and elements in this story are purely fictional, although I wish they would be true. Because I would love to be a part of this story besides being the writer alone if you know what I mean.😊

Now about the story,

The story is set first in the modern world, but moves onto a fictional land called Eponine and will involve magic, royalty, and adventures. And it also includes a bit of violence, sexual themes, and some dirty talking (How can a story be interesting without a bit of romance?).  As of now, the characters can be imagined as you want them to be, although I will be giving descriptions about each character. 

You may find the first chapter confusing but I assure you that you will understand the course of the story as you further read it. So what I am trying to say is that please do not stop reading just because you find the first chapter boring or confusing. 😃

Please do vote and comment your thoughts below. Please do comment good or bad because I really want to improve. But kindly do not use harsh words or something as this is my happy place,😁 and I don't want to be sad reading harsh stuff.

The story is now completed!🤩

If you decide not to go any further, thank you so much for checking in. I really appreciate your time. If you want to read the story, flip on to the other page and join Karen, Iris, Kevin, Caspian, and Darius in their journey to discover the truth about Karen's past...

-Ana Starr 

P. S. - Copyright © Ana Starr. I hate plagiarism so kindly......kindly don't use your brain to copy my hard work. 

All Image credits belong to their respective owners.

Cover made by me!! Photo collages made by me! Don't take credit! 

Now, chop, chop......jump to the story!!!😊😊


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