Chapter 52

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Karen's POV

It will take us four more hours to reach the Caves. And we obviously have to do it before dawn, but leave a bit earlier than required just in case something decides to jump on our way.

The air is cold, the coolness cutting through our skin and chilling us to the bone, despite all the layers of clothing that we wear. Each breath sends a trail of warm puffs into the air. Iris starts blowing out air just to see those little clouds and is immediately lost in her own world.

I cling on to Kevin, as we ride through the calming silence of the forests. I swear, if industries and factories were to start in this dimension, these forests would all turn into those ugly ass industrial areas, which we often see in our world. Forests are always a different kind of beauty. 

"Guys, I sense water here somewhere," says Iris.

"You sense?" asks Caspian, in front of her.

"Yeah...I' know what I am right?" she snarls. 

Yeah, we do....we just keep forgetting your weird water powers.

"Okay...which direction is it in then?" asks Darius.

"The one which we're moving in," she replies.

"Great, okay then. Let's just keep moving." I say.

Shortly after moving a little more, we find the source of water. Iris jumps down quickly, rushes towards the water, bending down and ....sniffing the water? 

"It smells fine. How about I take a swim?" she asks us.

"Just take your clothes off before transforming. Otherwise, the only set of warm clothes is gonna dissolve into your skin," says Caspian.

"Good point," she says and then begins to strip down. We all look away and I can see that the boys are clearly having a hard time. She has a strong effect on them too, but Darius and Caspian are just amazing at hiding it. Kevin doesn't need to hide it yeah.

A moment later, she speaks again

"I'm done!" she announces and I turn around to see an oh-so-gorgeous mermaid, happily flapping her fins at us, right next to which, lies a pile of clothes.

"Now, someone put me inside the water. I can crawl, but I don't want to get dirt inside my fins," she says, her fins still flapping up and down. 

She really does have that attracting aura. I'm getting a little horny just by looking at her, I can only imagine what these men are feeling like. 

"Why are you all staring at me like that?" she asks when none of us move. Kevin quickly snaps out of his trance, walks to her slowly, and picks her up. The scene would've looked better if he was shirtless. 

I can just imagine it!

The sound of leaves crunching causes Kevin to freeze and turns around. If it was loud enough for him to hear, then I definitely did not imagine it.

"What is it?" Iris whispers.

"Shh...." I shush, straining my ears hard to make out any more noise. There definitely is someone there, because I can hear faint breathing.

"Who's there?" I shout.

Then comes, the shuffling of branches, as usual, and seconds later, a man clad in full armor, and armed with a sword raised in our direction, stands before me. I almost groan audibly at the prospect of delaying our journey further.

"Okay sir, I am going to tell you this once and only... once." I begin. "We are here to cause no fucking harm, just minding our own business. Now, if your plan is to take us to your leader and then make us hear all the shit he or she has to say, I'm sorry but we got some important ass stuff to do! So kindly, pretend that you didn't see us, turn around and go back to wherever you came from!"

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