Chapter 13

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Iris's POV

My eyes shoot open and I instinctively turn my head to face the boy who just said that he loves me.

"W-What?" I choke out.

"What?" he asks.

"What did you say?"

"What did I say?"

Maybe he told that when he was right about to fall asleep. So, I'm just going to try that again.

"I hate you!" I yell raising my body to a sitting position.

His face falls. "But I love you!" he whispers looking down at his lap, his voice barely loud enough to hear. I stare at him with wide-open eyes and a mouth the size of the sun.

"You just said you love her! You finally confessed!" Karen tells from behind him. "You finally confessed to her. You said you love her! Oh, Kevin, you have no idea how long I've waited for this!" she explains. "When you said there was nothing more, God...I was so pissed! But you did it. You said you love her!" 

"Y-you really meant that? Do you love me? Please tell me you actually meant that!" I say desperately. To think that we started talking properly three days ago is insane.

"Tell me you didn't mean it when you said that you hate me." he counters.

"Of course I didn't mean that! I said that mainly because...because you called me squishy. You think I am fat?" I ask and Karen chuckles. He shifts closer to me and cups my small face in his large hands.

"I never thought you are fat. If you are fat, then I can only imagine what slim looks like," he says.

"Then why did you call me squishy?" 

"I didn't mean that you are fat, darling. What I meant to say was that you are so comfortable, and small and soft...and beautiful." he trails off, blood rushing to my face as he runs his fingertip down my neck.

"Are you guys going to kiss or not? I'm waiting!" 

"Not in front of you!" Kevin tells and she scowls falling back to the bed.

"So now what? Just sleep?" she asks.

"Cuddle and sleep" confirms Kevin, looking back at me.

We lay down back into the bed and resume our previous position. But this time I wrap my hands tighter around him but he winces.

"It still hurts, darling."

"Sorry, I'm just so excited!" I giggle.

Kevin places a kiss on my forehead and I bury my face into his neck, inhaling his wonderful scent.

"I love you so much!" he whispers.

I chuckle and drift off to sleep.


A/N: Ya'll this is the shortest chapter that I've written!

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