Chapter 2

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Iris's POV

I sit on the school basketball court with a book in my hand and a bottle of apple juice by my side. Maybe it is yesterday's events but I can't bring myself to focus on the book I am reading and instead, my eyes keep drifting to Kevin who is right now dribbling the basketball.

He keeps flashing me his beautiful smiles as he practices with his teammates and we communicate through such periodic glances. After a while, their coach whistles and announces a break for them, and Kevin comes jogging to where I am sitting.

"You look nervous!" he observes.

"I am nervous!" I admit.

A chuckle escapes his mouth. "Don't be! I am with you! Why would you be nervous?" he asks.

"It's not about you Kevin. It's about Karen. I am nervous about her." I sigh.

He sighs and looks around at the dispersing people around us before speaking again. "Hey..." his hand takes mine in his, "Nothing is gonna happen to her! We're gonna find her and we're gonna bring her back! Okay?" he assures.

"Okay!" I sigh.

"Okay!" he chirps.

"OKAY!" I scoff.

"Maybe okay is our always!" he smirks.

"Shut up!" I smack his arm lightly.

"I'll see you after school okay?" he asks and I nod. He goes back to the locker room to freshen up for our next class.

I'm called the school's classic nerd with her popular best friend, Karen Hill, because I mostly don't engage in idle talk but keep to myself reading books, doing homework, or, of course hanging out with Karen.

But what I don't understand is, what made Karen send the same letter to Kevin. I rarely talked to him but Karen was always pretty friendly with him.

The rest of the day passes quite fast with me paying attention to none of the classes, just doodling away in my books, or trying not to fall asleep with my brain soaked in thoughts about Karen.

When the bell rings for the dispersal, I hurriedly shove my stuff inside my bag and rush downstairs when, to my sheer bad luck, I find myself blocked midway by Hannah Grey and her gang, the great feminine bullies of our school. And today, for some reason, they decided to target me. What a great day?

"Ah, ah, ah, why in such a hurry, nerd?" she asks in a high-pitched mocking voice.

"Move, Hannah!" I command.

"You got some guts girl! Why so serious today, huh?" one of her friends tease.

"Because your mom fell into a pit!" I yell at her face and try to push them and make my way through but Hannah steps in front of me and shoves me by my left shoulder. Anger rushes through me along with the blood in my veins and I clench my fists tight.

"Say that again bitch! Try that one more time and I will kick that fat ass of yours!" she screams as she grips my forearm tight.

"Hey, what's going on in here?"

I hear the voice from behind. Kevin. I thank the heavens above for sending him here at the right time.

"There's your boyfriend! Maybe that's why you were in a hurry, weren't you? You wanted him to-" she starts to say but Kevin interrupts her before she can say something outrageous.

"Stop it, Hannah! And let go of her!" he orders. Then, when he sees that she doesn't, he angrily pulls them apart himself. He throws a dirty look at Hannah and the girls and then, grabs my wrist, pushes away the girls and he pulls me away from them.

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