Chapter 41

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A/N: Sooooo, I am back with new chapters. Sorry for not updating and...yeah, I ain't stoppin' ya'll from readin!


Karen's POV

"Your Highness, the Borat has been missing for ages and my father passed almost a year ago. When I was born, they didn't remember about the Prophecy of Erad, and I myself am very different from what is said in the prophecy. If anything is known to you please do tell us." I request.

"Princess, you claim that we do know something about the Gem. We know nothing. And the last time we saw Etine was sixteen years ago." King Rosanto says. I sigh. We reached Interlacus about three hours ago and I still haven't gotten answers from the King because he doesn't believe that I really am Etine's daughter.

Suddenly, a bird comes flying straight to the king and Iris flinches. King Rosanto then proceeds to untie a tiny piece of paper from its claws. 

Seriously, this form of communication still exists? How do the birds know this is where you are supposed to deliver the damn piece of paper?

And I feel like I am in a scene from Lord of the rings since these Elves look exactly like those from the movies. Not to mention there is a Legolas in here. A hot, long-haired archer, I mean.

"Well, Princess Katarina," Rosanto smiles at us, "Your mother has sent me a message to be expecting your arrival. Perhaps, she didn't think that you would arrive here this early. She claims to explain everything once we can meet in person." He says.

"So, what do you say now, Your Highness?" I ask smugly.

"I'll explain everything when we have lunch. I reckon that it has been a long time since all of you have had a great meal and good sleep, am I right?" he asks.

I nod. "Yes, your highness! It indeed has been very long since we had a good meal and sleep."


"When Etine came here, he looked miserable. Not physically, but emotionally I could say he was bruised." Rosanto tells.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"When he arrived here, he was...I could say sad. He told me about how he felt so guilty about abandoning his daughter and that was the first time I learned that Etine even had a daughter. Then he went on about blaming himself for the reason why the Borat was stolen and put the entirety of the kingdom in jeopardy. He was so angry at himself that he went on the exile." He explains. 

Wait, he felt guilty? Why would he? He didn't even come back for me.

"He felt guilty about leaving me?" I ask, surprised.

"He did, princess. Very guilty. After all, you were his daughter. His blood. The heir to the kingdom. And he did tell me about finding you and giving you the Borat before he dies. He vowed to at least see you grow up and turn into this beautiful lady that you are. And to keep the Borat safe until you can find it and claim the throne." he completes.

Okay, what. The. Hell?

"And just after around two years, he sent us a message that he found you!"

"He found me?" I ask, bewildered.

"Yes, princess. Etine found you and he sent me a very elaborate message on being so happy that he has finally found his daughter. He wrote everything about the couple that found and was raising you and he was happy that his daughter was being raised well." Rosanto takes a sip of his drink.

"But your highness-"

"Call me Rosanto, princess Katarina. Like your father," he says and I smile.

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