Chapter 28

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Karen's POV

The training between me and Caspian stayed completely professional this time. He wasn't very cold to me and nor did I ask about the events of that day to him.

Within three days of training, I learned to shoot arrows in different positions, and the coolest thing was that now I can shoot multiple arrows in one shot. We didn't joke around and he gave me a fair amount of breaks in between the sessions. Sometimes, we would also talk about random stuff like country affairs and about the army. It's quite interesting actually.

But I didn't dare to bring up any sensitive topics. I didn't want him to go back to being rude again. As the days passed, the tension between us also eased. He was friendly just like in the beginning but one thing that I noticed was that he stopped calling me amare.

I had no idea how I loved being called that by him. Now it's just Katarina or very rarely, Karen. But it's better this way because then the awkwardness between us would just resurface and I never want that, although I miss him calling me that very much.

The fourth and fifth day of training was about shooting arrows while you are in combat with someone. That included using the bow as a weapon to hit your opponent while using the opportunity of distraction to shoot your enemy and it's pretty cool actually. We decided on using harmless arrows since the shooting had to take place and reduce any lethality that could happen.

The last day was great. All of us gathered together to show off our newly obtained skills. We were in the field and all of us were now skilled in sword fighting, hand to hand combat, archery, and other small fighting skills. 

Entonia was present that day, and honestly, that day was fun. After the whole thing, we were served the best food I've ever had. They served some Eponian specials, which none of us could barely even pronounce the name of, but the food was epic.

Now we are in the library, as Darius suggested we do the studies together. He will teach us about the magic in Eponine and Caspian will teach us about mythical creatures and then they will take turns teaching about the dangers which we might face.

"What if we get killed by these....things?" I ask pointing to the picture of a horny red and black,....beast, in front of us.

"Why are you always thinking about getting killed?" asks Darius.

"You are powerful Katarina...speaking of which, have you guys checked how far she has developed?" Caspian asks Iris and Kevin, who shakes their heads.

"We'll do that after the learning sessions," says Kevin.

Caspian keeps teaching us about the creature and apparently, there are freaking plants that can turn into scary animals. Here, Caspian is different. He can be best described as that one hot teacher you have at school who teaches you things perfectly and makes you drool in class at the same time.

Darius is also good at teaching but he makes it more interesting by demonstrating the stuff he says about.

Apparently, the healers and warriors do different kinds of magic and the stuff one group can do, cannot be performed by the other. And according to me, the cool magic is done by the warriors. There are a few that can be done by both groups too, like changing clothes and feeling fresh with just a flick of your hands.

I can do both kinds of magic. I try it with Darius and Caspian and I can do most of the magic although, mine isn't as smooth as when they do it. There is a way by which you can strip a person of their clothes according to their will. Here, it's usually used by kids for pranking, but me being me, I decide to it on, Darius.

I don't strip him completely naked, just until he is shirtless, the way I like. But I catch him off guard so he is quite surprised to see himself shirtless when he bends down to take a book.

Iris starts to giggle uncontrollably and Darius goes like, "Princess, you're gonna pay for this, and Parvulus, if you don't stop laughing I will pick you up and not set you down until you scream for it. And I will drop you too."

And that shuts her up.

"How do we sense these booby traps?" asks Kevin.

"We can't sense them. But there will be signs that one is set somewhere and we have to be careful when we move about," explains Caspian.

"Mostly, Etine would have placed and such traps closer to the Borat, so that it won't be stolen. But in many places, such traps are placed so as to avoid intrusion or crossing other territories," says Darius.

"But it doesn't make sense though, because if Etine wanted any of us to ever find the Borat, then wouldn't the booby traps just prevent it?" I ask.

"If Etine had placed any traps, most probably we will know it. But the possibility of traps being kept is more likely, where the ghouls live or if we have to go to the eastern mountains where Kaya's clan lives," remarks Darius.

"Who is Kaya?" asks Kevin.

"Kaya is the leader of the dragon clan in our dimension. She and her clan are the most powerful creatures in our world," says Caspian.

"They are the most cunning creatures ever and their main aim is self-preservation. And Kaya is very ambitious. Around five thousand years ago, Kaya's main aim was to make her clan the most powerful but Our Kingdom was the most powerful at the time." explains Darius. "Your ancestor, late King Eslan, made a pact with Kaya. The eastern mountains were a part of our kingdom. Kaya wanted to establish her clan and home there so, she came up with a proposal. She promised to be our ally whenever it came to a situation where we would need their help in exchange for the eastern mountains.

But since it's Kaya, and she can never be trusted, Eslan asked for something for them to keep their promise. We obtained a locket very near and dear to Kaya. Kaya has had that locket ever since she was born which must have been ten thousand years ago. That locket is now with us, safely kept in our vault." explains Caspian.

"So we don't go near the Eastern mountains. Problem solved!" shrugs Iris.

"We won't have to go there but just in case, it's good to know the story," says Darius.

"And the ghouls are?" asks Kevin.

"Vicious creatures. If we are seen by one of them they will devour us as a group. The only way to escape will be killing all of them." explains Caspian.

"So stay clear of ghouls." I declare.

"Yeah." nods Caspian.

We learn a lot of different traps and creatures we thought only exists in books and movies. Apparently, mermaids are real, pegasi are real, centaurs are real, werewolves are real and even unicorns are real but very rare.

But what I am dreading is actually starting to search. Once all this training and stuff is over, we'll soon have to start the actual quest. I don't even know where to start. I don't know where to go.

All I have is a bunch of powers and loyal friends who are ready to do anything for me and I couldn't be any more grateful. And I hope god stays with me in this too.


A/N: The real adventure is about to begin friends!!!   😉😉  

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