Chapter 14

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A/N: Man, that last chapter was too short!!


Iris's POV

I wake up to steady snoring beside my ear and feel a strong arm wrapped around my stomach. My legs against another pair of it entangled with mine and a slight groan releases from the body behind me.

"Hmm..." I groan and push myself backward and the arm tightens its hold around me.

I twist my body around to see a very sleepy but awake Kevin smiling upon his sight as he brushes a few hairs off my face.

"G'morning, babe!" he whispers and kisses my cheek.

"Good morning!" I say, covering my mouth earning a weird look from him.

"Why are you covering your mouth?" he rasps, while trying to pull my hand away.

"Morning breath" I say, insecurely.

It is a thing to be insecure about!

"Oh please! That's silly." he rolls his eyes and removes my hand, but I quickly slap it back on when he leans in.

"No, no, first kiss in bed! Karen is behind you!" I remind him.

He groans and then flips over looking for her. "She's not here!"

We hear water running in the bathroom, and that confirms her location.

I sigh. "I don't want to get up! I want to sleep. Like this, for a long time!" I wrap my arms around him, burying my face in his chest and he chuckles.

"Me too! But we have to meet the Queen. We have to help Karen! See if she is showing any of those cool powers." he says playing with my hair. "Can you believe that? Karen is showing superpowers!"

"I know! If that gem is found, she can be Queen!"

"I mean, she is a Queen isn't she? She is amazing!" he comments.

 I sigh. "She's the best!"

"So what about me?" 

"You're the bestest!" I say and kiss his chest.

Till yesterday, I viewed him as annoying and now here we are! Moving too fast yet at the right pace.

We stay like that for a long time, just breathing and cuddling until I hear the bathroom door being clicked open and Karen steps outside.

"Rise and shine, lovebirds! A new day, new beginning!" she rejoices, yanking off the comforter and causing me to cling harder to Kevin for warmth. She pushes in between the two of us and separates our clinging bodies, lying in between the two of us.

"Wake up, dude!" he shakes Kevin but he groans. She kicks him and he kicks back. Then the two of them start fighting like pigs.

What mature kids?!

"Kevin, Karen stop! Your bruises! Stop it, you two!" I yell and pull them apart pinning Kevin down to the bed and climbing on top of him. I pull his shirt up and take a look at his bruises. Fortunately, the medicine worked and his bruises have faded to near invisibility.

I run my fingers across them and then lean in to examine his face. Same there too.

"Don't tell me I'm about to watch live porn or something now!" Karen smirks.


I look down at our position and quickly get off him, my face red as a tomato as they laugh their heads off. 

"All I wanted was to help!" I scowl and throw a pillow at Karen but she dodges it and it lands straight on Kevin.

"New power? Fast reflexes?" I ask.


"Noticed any new changes, little missy?" I ask Karen while motioning Kevin to put his head on my lap.

"Yeah about that, I can see things more clearly now! You know the sharp eyesight thingy?" she informs.

"Well, we'll go to the garden today and then look into speed and vision further. You know more space...less destruction!" I instruct while taking off the dressing from Kevin's forehead.

"You know, you make me sound like a monster, Iris," says Karen.

"I am not making you a monster Karen, but after what happened with Kevin yesterday," my mind flashes to the scene yesterday, "....we need to be a bit more careful. You are only developing your powers. So, if we don't take them seriously, we might end up badly. Once you will be in control of them, I swear you'll be the coolest person I know!"

She sighs.

I slowly take of the dressing from his forehead and take a look at his wound to find that the medicine worked and it is healing. I ask Karen to bring the tray to me and I clean off the remaining medicine and debris from his wound. He lays still, eyes closed, and breathing. After pasting a band-aid on the wound, we're done.

"We don't think you're a monster Karen," says Kevin noticing the gloomy look on Karen's face. "If anything, we're very proud of you! Once we find that bloody gem, you're a queen. A queen with cool powers. We couldn't be happier!" 

"Exactly! You have no idea, how happy and excited we are. You're not and never will be a monster to us." I say.

"I love you guys!" she says and leans in to give both of us a big bear hug.

"I want to sleep!" I whine falling back into the bed. "Come, let's sleep, please!! I don't want to get uuuuup!" I call out tugging Kevin's arm, who laughs while I lay down on the spread eagle position, scowling at them. "Karen please, I want to sleep. I want to cuddle. See like this!" I say cuddling with a big pillow.

Karen lies down hugs me tightly but just as I am about to close my eyes, Kevin starts shaking me.

"Oi, oi you can't sleep again! Both of you wake up!" he yells, shaking both me and Karen. When we don't respond he scoffs and sprints to the bathroom.

"Don't worry, he's just jealous!" I say.

"Jealous? Of me? Really?" 

"Yeah, yesterday he admitted that he was jealous of you because I cuddled with you. I kept asking why he was jealous and he kept dodging my question." I laugh.

"Now you know why!" she smirks.

"Now I know why! Tell me, how long has he had a crush on me for?" I ask.

She looks at the ceiling. "Ever since the first day he set his eyes on you!" 

"And you kept him away from me?" 

"You have no idea how long I wanted him to say this to you!" she argues. "Because of our shitty school and schoolmates, I couldn't even be friends with him in public. Rumours will spread like fire! And I know you wouldn't be able to handle such stuff. So we wanted to take it slow for you!" she explains.

"He always wanted to talk to you, to hang out with you, to learn with you, to sing with many things but the poor guy kept himself from even talking to you. And we planned to blame the whole thing on me!" she says.

Good lord!

"Every day after school when we hangout, the first thing he will be asking will be about you! After my birthday party last year, he wouldn't shut up about how pretty you looked."

"He really loves me, huh?"

"You have no idea!" she says and she pulls me in closer. "You have no idea how happy I am, now that you guys are together! You finally got a boyfriend!" 

"I know!"

"I just hope I find my guy too." she sighs.

"Maybe your guy is waiting for you here in Eponine!"     

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