Chapter 18

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A/N: Please put a smile on my face by voting and commenting!


Iris POV

"Sure, take care!" Kevin nods and Karen leaves us to see Darius. I noticed a little smile on her face as she turned away but God knows if that was meant for us or Darius. Anyway, now I am alone with Kevin.

"So..." he trails off.

"So?" I shrug.

He slips his hand into mine and entwines our fingers together. I love holding hands like this. Each finger in between the others.

"Kevin?" he and turns to me. "Can I ask you something?" and we stop walking.

"Go on!"

I take a deep breath.

Here goes nothing!

"Love is a big word. Like a really big word and it means a lot to me. When you said it to me, I swear, my heart flipped. I was so scared at one moment thinking that you never meant that-"

I feel a pair of big hands cup my face and the next thing I know is that Kevin's face so is close to mine that the distance between our faces is barely two inches and his emerald irises divulge my soul. I stop saying whatever I was saying because I can't say it anymore. Not when he is looking at me like this.

My breathing quickens. 

"When I said 'I love you!', I meant every word of it." he begins. We're alone now, beside a tree and I am sure no one can see us unless they purposefully peep inside this small space. "The first time I saw you, I started as a small crush but over time, it got stronger. All I could think of was about you. I swear I am in love with you. What I feel for you is so much different from what I felt for other girls in my life." he confesses and my heart begins to melt. 

But other girls? He had other girls in his life?

"Kevin..." I breathe.

"I have never said those three words to any woman except my mom and Karen and you!"

My head drops down in embarrassment. "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have said that." I apologize and hold his arm earning a smile from him.

"It's okay, love! People tend to use that word carelessly, while that word means a lot than just mere infatuation. Now I have a question, do you love me?" he asks, a glint of hope flickering in his eyes. 

Do I love him? Do I really love him? I asked if he loved me to confirm his feelings for me, and now I don't know what I feel for him. 


"I...I don't if what I feel towards you is love? I have never experienced any of this before, so I don't know the difference between infatuation and love." I say and he just holds my face like that, looking into my eyes. "I have never had any boyfriends before...and honestly I am so scared of this whole thing!" 

"Why are you scared?" he asks.

"I don't know, I don't want to get heartbroken! I don't want to regret our relationship!" I admit.

"Heartbroken? I would never do that to you, baby! I swear I will never do anything to break your heart. If I do, I will never be able to forgive myself. Karen will murder me!" he assures and I chuckle.

"I know that I want you in my life and if something happens between us, I don't want to lose you. That's what I am scared of. I hate losing people that I like from my life. I've seen people lose the one they loved just because they broke up. I don't want that." I tell.

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