Chapter 1

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A/N: Again, a short reminder, you may find this chapter confusing but please.... please do not stop reading here. You will understand the course of the story as you further read the upcoming chapters. So here's the first part...Enjoy!!😊


Iris Evans's POV

"Mind if I walk you home?"

The deep voice startles me and I swiftly turn in the direction of the sound.

"H-Hi Kevin! You scared me!" I choke out.

 "Sorry! Didn't mean to do that!" he apologizes, sweetly smiling and we resume walking. "How was school today?" he asks.

"The same, boring classes. Nothing special!" I shrug and he chuckles. "How are you?" I ask.

"I am good!" he answers. "Umm...I was wondering if you heard anything from Karen? I haven't seen her since the past one week." he informs.

My head tilts in his direction. "Me too! I tried calling her multiple times but she didn't answer. She never stays this long without any contact with me. I don't know what's wrong." I shrug.

"Will you just let me know if you hear anything from her? I've been worried senseless".

"Sure I'll call you! But, I don't have your number, though."

"Hold on..." he raises a finger and we stop midst our track. He quickly fishes out a rough paper from his backpack, scribbles his number in, and hands it over to me.

"Thanks!" I say and he winks.

We walk together in silence, with only the noise of gravel rolling under our feet surrounding us until Kevin decides to break the awkwardness by asking a question about Biology taught in class today. Very unusual of Kevin but he did that. We talk about it until I reach the pavement of my house. Besides, it's also the first time we've ever talked properly unless it was greetings when we see each other in the school hallways.

"Anyways, good talk Kevin! I'll call you once I hear something from Karen." I assure and he nods.

"See you around!" he waves and then jogs away.

I walk to my house, fishing out the key from my pocket and unlocking the door. I move into the living room and is greeted with the sight of my parents with Karen's parents, which startles me because I thought the house was going to be empty as usual.

"Jesus!" I instinctively exclaim and the adults turn their attention towards me. "Alice, Arthur, Hi! How are you?" I greet them but they look like they haven't slept in days. "Are you alright?" I ask, concerned

"We're okay, and I hope you are doing fine too!" Arthur replies.

"They called us about an hour ago and said they wanted to talk to you!" states my mom.

"Iris..." Alice gets up from the couch and walks over to me. "Do you know anything about Karen?" she asks.

I was about to ask them this same question. "No, I haven't seen her in a week, Alice. She is not answering my calls too. I was about to call you today to ask what happened." I say. "Isn't she supposed to be with you guys?"

"Good lord!" she sighs.

"What happened?" I ask.

"She hasn't returned home since Tuesday. And she left a note saying she'll be at some friend's house, working on a project or something. Now two days back, we found this in her room." informs Arthur, handing me a folded piece of paper. 

"What is this?" I ask confused.

"See for yourself, dear."

I unfold the paper.

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