Chapter 12

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A/N: Iris, strikes again!😎


Iris's POV

Kevin walks out of the shower and my jaw drops. 

Now I seriously feel like I am in a rom-com now. Why is my life so cliché?

His towel is tied low on his waist and his v-line disappears down to god knows where. Like in rom-coms, his body isn't glistening with water or anything. He definitely wiped it off. His hair looks damp though. Maybe the poor guy forgot his clothes. The closet is on the other side of the chamber anyway.

But his body is a work of art! My eyes run all over his body, trying to devour every feature. Usually, boys our age are in the growing stage so not all of their bodies are well defined. But this guy turns out to be god's favorite.

When my eyes' journey finally reaches Kevin's head, I see him giving me one of those cheeky smirks. And that's when I realize that I have been staring at him the whole time.

He walks over to me, agonizingly slowly and when he finally reaches me, he leans down to my level, placing both his strong arms on either side of my body.

"So," he begins. "Which part is your favorite?" 

"W-What?" I stammer and he repeats the question. I scoff, my eyes dropping lower and on his bruised stomach; my face falls after seeing purple patches on his fair skin. But noticing the even darker bruises on his face more guilt washes through me.

"I'll get you some clothes. Then we are going to take care of your bruises," I say and then quickly go to the closet to get him some clothes. "Don't start jumping around the room okay!" I shout out as I pick up a simple T-shirt and sweatpants for him. Karen had 'normal' clothes specifically made for us before we came because Eponian pajamas are just too fancy.

I walk out of the closet and see him sitting on the bed like an obedient child but maybe that's because he is just in too much pain to jump around like he did yesterday. I hand over the clothes and then turn around facing away from him. A slight thud is heard when he drops his towel, chills running down my spine at the thought of him bare behind me. 

"You can turn around, Iris," he informs after a while.

I find him sitting on the bed and I get ready to make my apology as well.

"I am sorry Kevin. I am really sorry for what I did!" I tell.

"What are you sorry for?" he asks, confused.

"I am sorry for behaving that way. I don't know why I did it. I shouldn't have started screaming like that and, I-I feel so..." I trail off. My non-spontaneous mouth cannot even make up a good apology. "I feel so guilty. I overreacted and you got hurt....and it's my fault and I am truly sorry."

He smiles and then takes my hand in his. He slowly starts rubbing his thumb across the back of my hand and for some reason his action slows my racing heartbeat. 

Maybe, he is forgiving me.

"I am sorry that I called you an idiot. You are not an idiot. You are very brilliant and smart are amazing." I continue but he shushes me and keeps a finger on my lips to shut me up. 

I hope Karen won't walk in now. Just not now!

"You know one thing about me and Karen?" he asks and I shake my head. "We have a rule among ourselves and that is to not apologize. Accepting apologies is too formal and that makes both of us uncomfortable. Unless we do something really bad bad, we don't apologize. Instead, we just buy something good for the other one. " 

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