Chapter 7

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Iris's POV

Karen's room inside the palace is one of those dream princess rooms we see in Disney movies. Very spacious adorned with grandeur. Although Kevin was offered a separate room, he declines the offer stating that he would rather stay with us than staying alone in another room as big as this.

Honestly, if he had taken the offer it would have been quite boring for me and Karen too. Because I have to admit, that I do enjoy his company despite the flirtatious behavior. It's not like I don't enjoy it but....we'll talk about that later. And I don't feel anything awkward or unsafe when I'm with him despite what other girls say about being friends with popular boys.

"On a scale of 1-10, how fair do you think it was to hide your friendship with Kevin from me?" I ask Karen sternly.

"I'll answer first." Kevin jumps in between us. "I'd give it barely a two because you are her best friend too. She shouldn't keep any secrets from you," he tells as a matter of factly and Karen glares at him before looking at me regretfully.

"I'm sorry Iris, I don't know why I did that. I felt...weird, I guess," she apologizes.

"Weird for being friends with a guy?" I ask.

"No! Do you think I feel weird being friends with a guy? Me? Come on, you've known me for four years now, Iris" she argues. She would never feel weird being friends with a guy. After she has a wonderful dating history. 

"Then for what reason did you hide it from me?" I ask raising my voice a bit. "Don't you trust me?" 

"Of course I trust you. I just-"

I interrupt, "-didn't want to ruin your image. Yeah right!" 

"Guys, come on, I really don't want to witness a girl-fight now," Kevin whines and decide to drop the topic. 

"Whatever, I'm gonna sleep!" I say rubbing my eyes and yawning. I lay down flat on the bed and stretch, noticing Kevin smirking at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing," he shrugs, "You just look really hot doing that. I can't wait to cuddle with both you and her on this very bed," he replies with a smug smile and I grab the nearest pillow, throwing it straight at him.

Both of them lay down beside me, leaving me in between two people for the first time in ages.

"It feels so good to lie down between two people. Sleeping alone having no one to cuddle with sucks!" I exclaim. But seeing Kevin this close to me, mischief screaming in his jade green eyes, brings an idea to my head.

 I take the giant soft pillow from behind my head and then place it between me and Kevin

"I don't need a pillow but I need a barrier between me and this guy." I joke and then wrap my arms around Karen, my back facing Kevin frowning face.

"She is a year younger than us, so she is a baby. We should take care of her." Karen explains.

"Guess I'm alone then!" Kevin rolls his eyes and then turns around, the three of us then drifting off to sleep


I wake up to the sound of chirping birds outside the window,  which I usually find annoying and so do I now. I groan in annoyance but find myself wrapped under two strong arms that go around my waist and hug me tight.

My eyes fly open and I am met by the sight of a dull grey fabric to which I am holding on too and then raise my head to look up. A sleeping Kevin meets my eyes, holding me so as to never let go. Innocence is spread across his face while in slumber. I gently turn my head around and find the pillow I kept between us last night now lying between me and a soundly sleeping Karen. 

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