Chapter 43

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Karen's POV

"Karen, I seriously have no idea where she is! She went out to get some water at night and the drinks are here but she is not. And it sucks to wake up without her!" Kevin whines.

"You were doing what?" I ask.

"I was sleeping, dumbass!" he scowls.

"I'll check with Caspian. Come with me!" I say and the three of us head to Caspian's room. Darius knocks twice and we wait for him to open. When he knocks again, Caspian answers, looking sleepy as hell.

"Good morning, guys." he greets sleepily.

"Mornin'...have you seen Iris?" asks Kevin. Caspian steps aside and we enter to see a sleeping Iris on his bed, clinging to a pillow. 

What the hell?

"Yo, wake up! Kevin is here!" Caspian shakes her, trying to wake her up while the rest of our jaws hang open.

"Mmmm... what... go away! I want to sleep!" she says, grumpily. 


"Wake the hell up, dingus!" I yell and she jolts upright.

"What do you... Kevin? You woke up?" she beams.

"Yeah, I did. To see you in his bed!" he huffs.

"Wha- what do you mean?" she asks, pouting.

"Why are you sleeping with him, Iris?" I ask.

"Well, I can't sleep with my brothers? They are my brothers now! Come on chamois, you are my brother now!" she announces. 

Okay, seriously what the hell happened last night?

"We were scared! We thought something happened to you!" says Darius.

"I was under the protection of my big bro!" she tells, rubbing her eyes. "Caspian doesn't like to cuddle though! And I need a cuddle refill! Can we cuddle for some time, Kevin?" she asks with literal puppy dog eyes. I don't think she is understanding what is going on here right now.

Kevin is hella pissed. He already is not so happy when she gets too touchy with Caspian or Darius and now this has got him fuming.

Kevin scoffs, the look of betrayal spread across in his eyes, and storms out the door. Iris looks at me, confused.

"Why is he angry?" she asks.

"Iris, what happened last night?" I ask. She looks at Caspian, who is looking straight at me.

She yawns. "Well, Caspian was alone all the time. So, I thought why not give him some company. We talked all night and then fell asleep. But before coming here, I tried waking up Kevin but he was sleeping." she explains.

"Yeah, I don't think he liked that!" Darius shrugs.

Iris frowns. "Why is he not allowing me to talk with anyone else, Karen? It's like, he thinks that I will leave him for anyone else. No! I love him and only him and all other guys, I see them as my brothers. Especially, these two!" she booms, pointing at Caspian and Darius.

"Kevin is a little from the jealous side, Iris!" I say.

"But, I won't leave him, Karen. Not for another guy! And yesterday, we were only talking, and is it wrong to fall asleep when you are tired?" she fumes.

"No, but-"

"But what Katarina? You know more than anyone about how we see Iris. She is like a sister to me and why won't Kevin just understand that? Him being jealous of Delmar is understandable but how long have we all been together for? We have through so much and why is he still like this? Does he think that Iris will cheat on him with me? Pathetic!" Caspian yells.

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