Chapter 53

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A/N: So, I am hoping to finish this book by the end of November and I really hope I would be able to do that. And then, this book will undergo so major editing. I thought, after that, I will enter my books into awards and stuff like that.... because when looking back at some chapters... I find many of them poorly written. 

I personally would hate to read a book like that.. .and I don't want my readers also to read it cuz they are forced. I want you guys to get hooked to the book. Anyways, enjoy the next chapter!!


Karen's POV

I slash my sword across the platoons of guards charging at each of us. Multiple parts of my body, work simultaneously as I work on taking the guards out. I sprint in between them, tackling them when they least expect me and knock them out from behind.

One grabs my abdomen from behind but before I can turn around, a transparent pointed object impales him. His eyes go wide as he looks down at his abdomen, now stabbed with the glass-like object. 

What is this?

Coolness radiates from it and the guard stumbles back and with a thud, falls on the ground, dead.

I raise my head.

And Iris stands before me, immense rage washed on her face as I realize what just happened. She seems to have been submerged in her rage as she turns around and away from me, her arms spread in the air as if she is summoning something. And she is.

The water from the fountain far, far away from us, rises into the air in giant bubbles, moving towards her outstretched arms. They begin splitting apart into smaller bubbles and then take the shape of spikes. Sharp spikes. She twists her hands bringing them together as the spikes of water begin to freeze mid-air into ice and she turns around to me.

Her eyes are bright white balls of light, glowing so bright that it pierces my eyes. Her entire body gleams like gemstones. That's when I see that her body is covered with gems, much like when she is transformed, except that this time, she doesn't have the fishtail but instead from her breasts to the tip of her toes is covered in gleaming gems. She looks like she is wearing a diamond skintight, jumpsuit.

"Duck, Karen!" she orders and I quickly crouch down. The icicles fly above my head and into the group of guards behind me that I didn't even see coming. Each one strikes each guard perfectly in the heart, them dropping down with dull thuds as they die.

Iris turns around with the rest of the icicles floating mid-air, and perfectly, nails the guards attacking Kevin, Caspian, and Darius. An arrow comes flying in her direction, intended to injure her but is quickly trapped inside a bubble of water she generated and sent back in the direction it came from. Right into the forehead of a guard.

She'll handle the guards. I am sure of it. And I will take my chance to handle the arrogant king. I sprint across the collision of water, ice, metal, flesh, and blood, to the where the king seems to be calmly watching his guards lose their life in our hands. 

What a sadist?

Now, just so you know, what I mean by sprinting is the way vampires do.

Knowing nothing about who truly am, Aziman's eyes widen when he sees me in front of his nose within the blink of a second. And before he can move, I press the blade of my sword onto his throat.

"You know, taking out the ever rival King Aziman, would be my first and second-greatest achievement besides finding the Borat, as a queen. Given the fact that you are the sole reason that my father punished himself, I would be more than glad to take you out." I threaten.

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