Chapter 19

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Karen's POV

We're in the palace dining room, ready for our dinner to be served. This time, it's not just Entonia and the three of us. We're joined by Darius, Caspian, Cornelia, and Abner as well. I am seated between Darius and Caspian with Kevin straight opposite of me and Iris next to him.

Dinner is fantastic as always and I would have enjoyed it to my fullest if I didn't have to be seated in front of two insanely good looking warriors. Throughout the dinner, I learn that Cornelia is a healer and that explains why her eyes are green. Her husband, the queen's brother, was a warrior and hence Darius also was born a warrior.

Entonia seems to be quite fond of both Darius and Caspian. Although Caspian barely speaks anything, he always gives fully detailed answers to question directed at him. But he never starts a conversation by himself.

Iris is waiting to get in bed and sleep like a log. I've lost count of how many times she yawned just during dinner.

"What was your first thought when you arrived at Eponine?" asks Caspian picking up a grilled shrimp from his plate and I widen my eyes. 

He just asked me a question. Caspian Fransby is actually trying to start a conversation!

"I....uh...I don't know, exactly! I felt like...a mixture of emotions. I was scared, surprised, confused and on top of that...that's when my powers started yeah!" I shrug smiling at him.

"Do you like it?" he asks.



"Oh, I love it. Even they do!" I say pointing at Iris and Kevin. "I feel very belonged here. Like I just met you guys today, but I feel like I've known you my whole life."

Entonia clicks the glass to draw our attention. "I am so glad, now that you've all met and got to know each other! Karen, Iris, Kevin, Caspian, and Darius, you'll be meeting with me at the meeting room after dinner tonight. We have something to discuss." she informs.

"Sure, your highness. We'll be right there!" assures Darius. He looks at me and I nod in confirmation. Entonia drops her fork and knife to her plate indicating that she is done.

Now, we all should also stop. Once the queen stops eating we should all stop eating. And none of us are supposed to go to bed before she does so. Same British royal family rules. It doesn't make much of a difference though because all Eponians speak in a pure British accent which I find rather funny at times.


We're in the meeting room now with me seated right next to Caspian. Iris and Kevin look like they're speaking something serious but only God knows what they're talking about. Darius is talking with his mother at the door but I notice him looking over a couple of times as well.

I turn to Caspian. "You don't talk too much, do you?" 

He gives me a small smile and shakes his head.

"How about you?" he asks.

"Healthy amount. But not as quiet as you, though!" I say and he chuckles. 

The first time, Caspian laughing check!

"I like your friends! I talked to them," he comments.

"Yeah, they're nice!"

Why is this conversation so awkward?

"Do you think our conversation is awkward?" he asks.

"Very awkward!" I say and he chuckles again.

"Tell me, why do you like Eponine?"

I ponder for a while. "Well," I begin. "At first, I was overwhelmed by the luxury of it, then I had this feeling of familiarity and you know...reaching home?". He nods. "Then I started to have euphoric sensations throughout my body and started developing powers and stuff." I shrug and he nods again.

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