Chapter 9

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A/N: I absolutely hate it when Kevin or Harry is hurt. But he kinda is in this chapter!


Iris's POV

The dining hall is another set of luxuries. A long table occupies most of the length of the room and there are grand chairs placed with equal distancing around the table. The table is covered in a white table cloth and gold-rimmed plates of different sizes paired up with beautiful gold culinary are placed on top of it. A huge candle stand stands on the center of the table and a magnificent chandelier hanging directly on top of it.

"Honestly, I don't feel surprised by grandeur now," Kevin remarks.

"Please make yourselves comfortable, the queen will arrive shortly." announces a very kind looking lady.

"Akele, these are my friends, Kevin and Iris." 

"Pleasure to meet you dears" she greets us and shakes our hands. Kevin speaks something to Akele, but I am too caught up admiring the beauty of the room. "I guess Iris is mesmerized by the place." she tells, "Don't worry dear, you can tour the whole palace today. " Akele pats me on the shoulder and then leaves.

"We're going to eat our breakfast with these?" Kevin asks Karen picking up a golden fork.

"Yup, but breakfast is better than the culinary." she winks.

A moment later, the grand doors to the room open, and the Queen makes her way inside the room as gracefully as ever. She greets us, shaking our hands, and then moves to her place across us and all of us sit down.

"I hope you had a good night's sleep because we have some speaking to do today," she informs.

"We did your majesty!" Kevin tells and shoots a glance my way, making me blush profusely. This guy really has a way with girls.

The 'palace people' or whatever they are called, start serving us our breakfast. They place different baskets full of freshly baked croissants, baguettes, buns, pain au chocolates, and other kinds of breads that I have never even seen before. Plates full of different fruits, cut in fancy shapes forming a colorful multitude of fruits accompany them along with big jugs of orange, apple juices, and milk.

Along with this, a set of non-veg food also arrives consisting of fluffy scrambled eggs, sizzling sausages, and crunchy bacon, and even just hard-boiled eggs. Then lastly, they place both black tea and coffee along with a jar of cream and some sugar.

I gaze at all the food in front of me. All I have had for breakfast ever in my life might be toast, pancakes, or some cereal with some coffee or tea. Seeing all of these delicacies placed in front of me just for breakfast makes me wonder about the lunch. 

How greedy of me?

I look at Karen for confirmation and find both her and Kevin already loading their plates. The one thing common between the three of us would be our love for food.

There is an awkward silence as the queen doesn't speak anything. And we are not supposed to speak unless she starts. But it's better if it stays this way so that I can enjoy this once-in-a-lifetime breakfast.

However, the breakfast doesn't go completely quiet. The occasional idle talk is exchanged but I stay silent the entire time because I am still not comfortable talking to a freaking queen, not to mention the fact that she is Karen's birth mother. I still don't fully believe it though.

We finish the feast called 'breakfast' and then head out of the room so that the 'palace people' can clear the remains.

"Your Highness, when are we going know, talk?" asks Karen. "There is something I have to tell," 

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