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A/N: I'm just going to tell everything I want to tell you after ya'll read this!


6 years later

Iris' POV

I've been dating Kevin for like six years now, and I have no idea why on earth I am palpitating on the day of my wedding. The satin knee-length robe wraps my body delicately as Karen styles my hair.

"One more strand to be fixed ......and done!" she announces.

"Can I see the mirror now?" I ask but she shakes her head.

"Not when your face is bare, woman!" she scolds. "You don't need contouring today because you already look famished!" she comments as she brings her collection of makeup into the dresser.

"What do you mean by that?!" I ask as she begins putting the primer on my face.

"Ever since we fixed the date for the wedding, you have not been eating well and a reason... has gotten skinny." she begins.

"But I wanted to lose weight before the wedding, Karen!" I argue.

"Kevin loves you with a little flab, Iris. And trust me, you look so much better like that. Why would you want to look like one of those malnourished models you see in Vogue? And that too at your own wedding!" she reasons.

"You can make me look pretty with the makeup. Forget it!" I say and she moves on to dab the foundation on my face and neck.

She proceeds in silence as the soft piano music plays in the room. Ever after Karen's coronation, I and Kevin switch our times between New York and Eponine. Karen was often busy with the country affairs but we did find plenty of time to hang out, even when I and Kevin were busy with college.

Kevin got into Harvard on a sports scholarship and I have enrolled in New York University, both of us doing different courses, so it was hard doing long distance as well. Luckily, Kevin's course was a four-year program as opposed to my seven-year medical course, so he was able to come back soon.

Yeah, I'm a med student now.

We got engaged soon after, in this beautiful place, where he set up lit candles and food and popped the question. Caspian and Karen, being the pranksters they are, took many pictures while in hiding and displayed them to the whole of Eponine. The people loved seeing us about to get married.

After all, I'm their favorite mermaid.

 So, today is my wedding.

"You nervous?" asks Karen.

I inhale before answering. "I more nervous about tonight, rather than the actual ceremony, to be honest!"

Karen laughs. "Oh, he's gonna wreck you!"

My eyes widen on hearing that. 

No, Kevin won't do that! He promised to be gentle with me.

"I hear the noises you and Caspian make almost every night. It's not like Kevin will do that!" I argue and Karen smirks.

"We'll see...." she smirks and I raise an eyebrow. "You know what's funny? The fact that you work with actual cadavers and you're not scared of that, but you're are scared of sex!"

I huff. "Jesus, I am not scared of it, okay! All I have is first time jitters and you're making a big deal out of it!" I scoff. 

"Yeah, maybe ya'll will make more noise than me and Caspian!"

My eyes literally roll to the back of my head.

"Thankfully, I don't think Kevin is as kinky as Caspian. You'll never be able to handle that!"

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