Chapter 54

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Karen's POV

"So Karen you'll put the sword in the slot, and twist it at the crack of dawn. Right?" asks Darius.

I nod.

"Right, go ahead. Put the sword in the slot," says Caspian. I slide the long, silver sword inside the deep slot in the rocks and the blade smoothly slips in, just like it does inside the scabbard.

"So now, we wait for sunrise." declares Kevin.

And so we wait. Around ten minutes later, we see the sky's color, changing into reddish-orange, signaling that Mr. Sun is arriving.

"When the first ray of light hits the sword, you twist it, okay? We may not be able to see the precise hitting of light beams into the sword, but you can, Katarina." Caspian tells. "And you should be prompt."

"I will, Caspian," I assure, placing a hand on his upper arm. 

There, I see a flicker of the Caspian that I first met. The sweet Caspian who told me the story of him meeting me as a baby. As much as I hate to admit this, I miss him. I miss being with him like I did before I was with Darius. I miss him calling me amare.

As said, I see the first ray of sunlight hit the rocks. I position my hand on the sword's handle, ready to twist it.

The light travels from below the sword and agonizingly slowly, up toward the sword. And then, I see the first rays of sunlight hitting the blade. I twist my hand, along with the sword and it easily rotates in the hole. The giant rock door creaks beneath me, and a pocket of dust releases into the air when it slowly slides open.

All of us sneeze simultaneously as the dust disturbs our systems. The rock door slides open and stops moving when the sword hits the stone wall.

Swords drawn and arrows positioned on bows, we enter the dark cave. I and Kevin pull out our torches to illuminate the pitch-black pathway. Our footsteps and the sound of our breathing echo through the walls.

"Where do we start?" I whisper to Caspian.

"The point where the Borat was first found," he replies.

"Since this was a mine, shouldn't we look out for deep holes?" asks Iris.

"Good point. Direct one torch to the ground while another forward." Caspian instructs and we do as said.

"Do you guys know where the Borat was first found?" asks Kevin.

"It's on the map...but before looking, we just have to make sure that nothing is living other than us in here," Iris says.

We walk forward and I find the silence strangely disturbing. Both Darius and Kevin are in front of me, with Iris in the middle while I and Caspian are at the end.

"You okay?" he whispers.

I nod. "Why is it so quiet?" 

"Well, you can't expect a cavern that has been shut for the past hundred years or so, to be noisy right?" Darius scoffs.

I bite my lip. 

"What's with you, Darius? Why are you being rude to her?" asks Caspian.

Iris rolls her eyes. "Guys can we just shut up and move on?!"

It's better if I don't open my mouth after that. I don't know what's up with Darius, but he's been a little rude to me ever since we left Almine. So far I've kept quiet, but one more time and then he'll get it from me. I am taking no one's bullshit.

We keep walking and after around thirty minutes of searching around for any potential dangers, and finding none, we settle down at a corner. Caspian fixes the torch on a large rock as Iris spreads down the map on the ground.

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