Chapter 45

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A/N: Whooo, guys! After a long time...Karen, Iris, Kevin, Darius, and Caspian are back in the game!


Karen's POV

A night on a calm and serene forest ground after a night in a super soft bed in a palace, my back is killing me. This was definitely not one of the obstacles I expected while being on this adventure.

I can't even manage to get up from the ground. For the past forty-five minutes, I have been lying face down on the ground, while Darius is on my side, trying his best to wake my lazy ass up.

But, I can't help think about my dream last night. Why did I have to see that now? So far, a series of dreams like this has been occurring. First, it was about the Borat, then about me being queen but in that dream, Caspian was my lover, not Darius. And now, a vision from my past surfaces up.

I can't keep ignoring them. They must mean something. Because the dream about the Borat was a message. And now here I am.


"I want to lay down, Darius! Please! My back is hurting!" I whine. I know I am being immature but I just can't help it.

"We have to leave soon and that cannot happen if you lay down in here like this!" he says.

I scoff and force myself to sit up. My hands lift themselves high up and I stretch them, painfully reliving the stiffness of my body. My mind is clouded with thoughts. Mostly because Darius was there in none of my dreams. The one in which I was already crowned, I was with Caspian. If that is the vision of what the future holds for me, then why is Darius not in that future?

"Pudding?" calls Darius.


"We have to have something for breakfast, and then resume our journey. I have figured out our path of travel." He says.

"You did that by yourself?" I ask.

"Yeah, I-Iris was too tired, right? S-So I did it by myself. After waking up, of course!" he says. 

I don't feel right about this. Usually, Iris and he figures out the plans together. This time he did it by himself?

Wait, what the hell? What is wrong with me? Just because I saw a bunch of dreams doesn't mean that I can start doubting my boyfriend!

"Okay, then let's head out!"


We had our breakfast and started our journey. Well, we already crossed the mountains, the dark forest, and Interlacus. According to Darius' plan, we are moving east, toward Almine, our rival nation. Almine is not our destination though. Our destination is the Mystry Caves.

The Mystry Caves is the origin point of the Borat. Centuries ago, Eponian miners, while mining for minerals found the Borat. When the first king, King Erad found the potential of the stone and how much it could grow a small kingdom like Eponine, he protected it and kept it a secret. From that power grew Eponine as it is now.

So we think that Etine must have left some kind of clue in the origin place. It doesn't hurt to look!

But to get into the caves, we have to pass Almine. And we plan to do it tactfully by not entering Almine but by traveling right beside the borders. Entering or disturbing Almine can only cause us Eponians more trouble and I ain't taking that.

But the last time we tried to travel by surrounding the perimeters of a territory, things didn't go too well.

According to Darius' plan, it'll barely take us two days to reach the borders of Almine. Also, the travel is not very hard as well. So, we won't get too tired or anything that our supplies will be over.

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