Chapter 22

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Karen's POV

I open my eyes wearily and feel emptiness. No arms around me, no warmth except for the soft covers and no hard chest to lean on. My body aches everywhere and pain shoots through my legs at a small attempt to stretch.

I turn to look around the room and find Kevin passed out on the other side of the bed and Iris on a chair, reading a book. Groaning, I bring up myself to sit and Iris turns her head at my sound.

"Oh God, Karen, you're awake!" she beams as she rushes over to me.

"Where is Darius?" I croak out.

"Both Darius and Caspian will be here soon," she informs. "How are you feeling?" 

"Sore. It aches everywhere." I groan again.

"Can I get you something?"

"Yeah, I need some water. Like loads of water." I say.

"Okay, incoming!" she snorts and then rushes to bring me some water. I drink the water, the coolness warming my dry scorched throat immediately and I sigh in relief gulping down two glasses of water before speaking again.

"How was your training?" I ask.

"It was nice. Caspian is a really good teacher. I kept scoring bull's-eyes after about an hour of practice. Kevin has to catch up, though." she shrugs.

"Uhm...speaking of Kevin, do you mind if I kick his guts until he pukes?" I ask, innocently nodding my head towards his direction.

Her eyes widen. "What? Why would you do that?" she quakes.

"Well, who the hell told Darius that I like to get spanked?" I demand and Iris's jaw drops down.

"I swear, I didn't." she raises her hands in defense. "Wait...don't tell me he did it!"

"Well, apparently he did and Darius almost spanked me because I didn't freaking stand up." I dictate. Iris stares at me for a second, processing what she just heard, and then...she bursts into piles of laughter, laughing so hard that she clutches her stomach, and falls sideways on the bed. I am pissed as hell and my head is so hot that I feel like steam is actually coming out of my ears.

Kevin wakes up due to Iris' loud laughter and looks up at me.

"Karen! You're okay?" he asks concerned.

"Well, no shit, Kevin! Darius almost spanked me!" I yell.

"Umm...he actually did that?" he asks, innocently.

"Oh yeah, he did! And you know what, it felt so good! Why do you think I am in bed right now, huh? My ass is sore, because Darius the hottie, spanked me! Are you happy?" I spit out angrily.

"Karen, calm down!" he says but I am in no mood to calm down.

"No, don't you say that to me, Kevin!" I jab a finger on his chest. "You did something I never expected you would do. Do you know how embarrassed I was? How anxious I was? Because, trust me, Darius looked hella serious when he mentioned it!" 

"Karen..." Iris begins but I cut her off.

"Don't defend him, Iris!" I snap.

"I am not defending him. I am asking you to shut up so that I can smack him across the face for not watching his mouth," she shouts.

"Sweetheart, you wouldn't do that!" he whines.

"Don't 'sweetheart' me Kevin! What you did is wrong? Friends don't do stuff like that!" she admonishes him. "You should have a punishment." 

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