Chapter 40

38 14 17

A/N: Whoo! 40 chapters! I can't believe I wrote this much! Aaaaannnd, surprise surprise we got Kevin's POV!!😁


Kevin's POV

I couldn't breathe as I buried my face into my Iris' neck. I couldn't force out sound as I held her close to me. My mind went black when I couldn't feel her pulse.

But when I saw the blinding lights coming, from both directions and shooting straight to her chest, the last glint of hope in me amplified. I want her. I need her.

After all this time, when I finally got her, when she finally said that she loves me, I can't lose her. Not to death. I imagined proposing to her, marrying her, and having kids with her. I pictured our future together. And if I lose her to death so soon, I will go insane.

I can't. I just can't. I can't lose her. Whatever is happening around me right now, please make it bring Iris back! Please make it bring my love back.

The ball disappears into her body and glows inside her, making all her veins, arteries and nerves prominent. Her insides glow orange and at one point I can even see her bones. But then something bizarre happens. Her legs begin to conjoin with one another and...her clothes begin to dissolve into her body.

Her body begins to go naked and I shield her with my body to prevent anyone else from seeing her. No one should see her in this state. Not even me. I hastily pull off my shirt and cover her chest. The air around me is cold as ice and yet I am sweating and panting. I notice the light inside her beginning to dim and I raise my head, to see the merman's light dimming too. Karen's light follows and slowly but persistently the light fades.

And her eyes fly open, but I don't see her beautiful blues. Her eyes emit bright white light just like the merman.


Karen's POV

Iris gasps and I back off due to the light-emitting from her eyes. It is strong, and intense, almost the same intensity as Delmar's and being this close to her is hurting even my supernatural ones.

I see her body barely covered with a piece of cloth and I see Kevin shirtless. But when I look down at her body, a choked sob escapes my lips.

Her legs are no more and all I see is a gorgeous silver fishtail. Her fins are wide and gleaming, almost hypnotizing. But then, I see something shining from underneath the cloth covering her torso and I slowly lift it to see gems like stuff protruding from her skin and covering her breasts. 

This is the most fascinating thing I've ever seen.

Her light begins to dim and eventually returns to her beautiful blues and I take off the shirt from her body.

She is mesmerizing. Hypnotizing. Gorgeous. I can't take my eyes off her. She lies on Kevin and my laps looking like the sea goddess. The sea god is right there, smirking down at us. 

[Picture given above]

I can't speak. I am starstruck. 

My best friend died. And came back. As a mermaid.

"Kevin..." she croaks out. a wide smile of relief spreads across his face, stretching from ear to ear and he pulls her body closer to his, engulfing her in a hug. I hear his relieved crying and chuckles and I look back at Caspian and Darius sitting beside me through my tear filmed eyes. I hug Caspian and Darius hugs me from behind, The Prince brothers engulfing me in between their large bodies.

I quickly break from their hug and punch Iris's shoulder lightly.

"You freaking s-scared me! D-Don't you ever do that again!" I scold her through my sobs, wrapping my arms around her cold, barely covered body. She blushes when she sees Caspian and Darius behind me and hides from them, conscious of her barely covered body.

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