Chapter 20

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Karen's POV

"So, she will develop them, when?" asks Kevin.

"Usually Eponians are born with the powers, but in Katarina's case, I don't know how she will develop." shrugs Entonia.

"Karen you can sense danger!" exclaims Iris gripping my arm.

"How?" I ask.

"Remember one time I almost got kidnapped at the alley behind the cinema, and you showed from nowhere when I was talking to that stranger?" she recalls.

"Hold on! Kidnapped?" asks Kevin.

"I'll explain later." she waves him off. "And many other times, you sensed something is wrong and would save both me and yourself from any danger. But I don't know about the healing part." shrugs Iris. "As said only if they can be lethal. "

"Dude, you started displaying all these cool powers years ago and we didn't give a damn about it!" chuckles Kevin.

"So about the healing?" asks Darius.

"I don't think I've done any of that!" I state.

"Maybe we can take her to Cornelia?" suggests Caspian.

"Cornelia is a good choice. Karen what do you say about having a session with her tomorrow?" asks Entonia.

"I'm fine with that." 

"Okay, so that's settled, let's move on to the next part of the discussion," Entonia remarks. "Karen, you are the heir to this kingdom," she starts. 

Yeah, like I needed to be reminded of that.

"And the most important thing to the heir is the Borat which, unfortunately, is missing. To prove yourself the true heir to this kingdom, one must hold the Borat and if he is the true heir, it will start glowing bright gold," she explains.

"What exactly are you trying to say?" I ask.

"I am saying that you need to find the Borat to prove yourself the true heir!" she completes. 

I sensed it long back. I'll have to find the Borat. Great!

Everyone stays silent. I look at both Kevin and Iris, opposite to me, who wears the same I-knew-this-before expression. Then I look at Caspian and Darius on either side of me, who to my shock, just shrugs. 

"But, how is she supposed to do that?" asks Iris.

"With all your help, she should find where Etine hid it and retrieve it," she explains. "Once she finds it and holds it, it will glow. And you will prove to be the true heir and will be crowned queen." she declares.

"But this all sounds like...big adventure kind of stuff. How am I supposed to do that?" I ask.

"Katarina," she beings. "You are blessed with powers none of us have. You are gifted! Etine will not hide it in a place where none of us can find it. He must have hidden it only for it to safe from prying hands, not the heir." 

"But, I don't know if I can do that. I know nothing of what the Borat even looks like. I have no clue where to start. I don't know what I will be facing. Darius and Caspian here have fought and won wars. I and my friends here lived completely normal lives and saw stuff like this only on film." I blabber.

"Karen..." Darius begins but I cut him off.

"No Darius!" I raise a hand to stop him, "Going on an adventure is great, honestly! But I don't know how to face mythical creatures or fight bloody wars or anything. Climbing mountains, riding scary rollercoasters, sky diving and all that shit are cool but this...this is a whole new level." I panic, my voice breaking in every word I utter and I can't even control my breathing.

"Karen, calm down!" Caspian takes my hand.

"I am scared, not because of what I will face but..." I stop to form the right words. I don't want to seem weak but I am genuinely terrified. "I don't know if I will ever find the stone. What if I don't? What if any of us die in the process?" 

They look at me, unable to say anything and Darius just looks at me with a seriously-you-just-said-that expression. Kevin and Iris are looking down at their laps not facing me and Caspian draws soothing circles on my palm.

The stifling silence envelops the room, with me getting no answers from anyone. 

"Say something!" I whisper to Caspian.

"We are willing to risk anything for you, amare!" he whispers.

"We are willing to die for you!" says Darius taking my other hand.

I huff. "Why are you doing this? You met me today! Why would you be willing to die for me?" I ask pathetically.

"Because delicie, you are our princess. We will do anything for you and Eponine. If it is dying, then so shall it be!" declares Darius. Moisture begins to flood my eyes and to make it even worse Kevin and Iris walk over to me.

"And so are we! We will help you with this. Whatever it takes, be it fighting off giant wolfs or any random scary creatures, we will do it for you." assures Kevin, both of them crouching down to meet my now watery eyes.

"I mean...come on, we have seen way too many movies about this. I am sure we can fight off dumb giant creatures if that's what you are scared of!" chuckles Iris.

"When did you get so brave?" I ask her.

"I've been spending a lot of time with you, duh!" she rolls her eyes.

"You can do this Karen. We..." Kevin gestures to the whole circle, "Can do this!" he assures and a tear rolls down my cheek. 

"You are strong and we know it!" says Darius.

And here I am crying over the affection I am getting.

"And what are we here for? Do you want to learn to fight? We'll teach you. You wanna see an image of the Borat, we'll show you. You wanna learn more about creatures? We'll show you! Come on, bellator; we will make you familiar with everything before we go on a cool adventure!" Caspian wraps an arm around my shoulders, gently shaking me. 

"You know, I really don't understand the words you are calling me." I chuckle and sniffle, wiping off my tears.

"We'll teach you everything!" says Darius.

"And our strong princess doesn't cry!" Kevin says wiping off my falling tears.


A/N: Aaaaaaaah, I'm sobbing ya'll! Please do vote!

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