Chapter 21

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A/N: I love Isabelle. She's such a badass!!!


Karen's POV

We're all back in our bed, me leaning my back against the headrest with Iris resting her head on my shoulder. Kevin is sitting on the other side of the bed his legs crisscrossed.

"So, you are scared and you never bothered to tell us?" he asks. 

What am I supposed to say to that?

"I didn't want to discourage you guys-" I begin but Iris cuts me off.

"Discourage us? If we were scared of this whole thing, I would have had a whole panic attack the moment I reached here, you fool!" she yells, jumping off from me and crawling her way to Kevin.

"Tell me you didn't say about this fear of yours to Darius or Caspian." scoffs Kevin.

I look down. I don't want to face them. I kept it from my best friends and told to Darius whom I met today and now I am feeling guilty.

"Seriously, Karen? You told them?" demands Iris.

"I thought we had no secrets between us," mumbles Kevin.

"I am so sorry! Please...please I won't do it again! I won't hide my feelings from you!" I beg them. I really don't want any bad blood between me and my friends, and I hate it when it happens.

And I don't want any of that now.

They look at each other and then Kevin shrugs and Iris groans.

"But you need to have a punishment." Kevin dictates.

"What are you gonna do? Spank me?" I joke.

"I might do that to Iris, not you!" chuckles Kevin.

"Hey!" she yells and slaps his arm.

I sigh. "So am I forgiven?" I ask.

"Yeah..." whispers Iris. "But if you dare do that again, I will spank that fine ass of yours myself!" she threatens.

"Oooooh, kinky!" 

"First of all, there's no way you'll bend me, and second, yes Kevin, she loves kinky!" I say. Kevin smirks at Iris who gives me a death glare.

"How about I bend you and she can spank you?" suggests Kevin.

"Why the hell are you talking about spanking me?" I shout.

"Because you deserve it!" yells Iris.

I huff falling back to the bed.

"What do you think about Darius and Caspian?" I ask.

"I like Caspian but I don't know about the Darius guy....didn't talk to him." shrugs Kevin.

"I talked to him!" exclaims Iris. "He's a Potterhead. The last thing I expected to be in here," states Iris. "Our conversation was mostly about Harry Potter." 

"I have an idea! What if we make Darius spank you?" he smirks, my eyes widening.

"That would be a sight. I am literally imagining it right now." 

"You guys suck!" I scoff.

"I don't know but I think you would suck harder!" Iris smirks and Kevin gasps, getting his first taste of a kinky and dirty Iris.

The most innocent looking one has the dirtiest mind. A lesson that I learned after becoming friends with Iris.

"Drop it! No one is spanking me!" I yell.

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