Chapter 31

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Karen's POV

I gasp and open my eyes and the first thing I see the chandelier that hangs above our bed. My heart is still hammering in my chest, against my ribs and I am breathing heavily.

I hear someone groaning and I turn my head.

"What happened?" Kevin whispers.

"A Dream. Don't worry go to sleep." I say and look to the other side to sleeping a soundly sleeping Iris, her one arm wound around my midsection.

"Tell me." he insists sitting up straight on the bed.

"It's fine, Kevin. Go to sleep don't wake Iris up." I admonish. He looks over to her and smiles.

"She's beautiful when she sleeps." he smiles and I smile too. The admiration this guy has for her is to die for. And she is pouting cutely in her sleep.

"Oh yeah, well let's keep it that way. Shut up and go to sleep." I scold. 

"Not until you tell me what you saw." he insists. I huff and slowly remove Iris's hand from me. She groans and twists around, starting to cuddle with her pillow. Then, she begins to kiss the goddamn pillow and I slap me over my mouth to stop myself from laughing.

"Mmmm...Kevin..." she groans, caressing the pillow and kissing it.

"Dude, she is thinking you are the pillow," I whisper- giggle. He smiles and then crawls over to her, whispering something in her ear. I hear her giggling and she murmurs something but loud enough for me to hear.

"Mmm....kiss meeee," she murmurs. I bit my lip to stop laughing but I can't help it. Iris never talked in her sleep. She used to sleepwalk but never sleep talk. And now she started that as well.

"Shhh...go to sleep, baby," whispers Kevin. But she pulls his hand close to her and kisses it.

"Why is this the funniest thing I've seen?!" I muffle my laugh, my stomach beginning to ache.

"Shut up!" he whisper-yells.

"You're so hot!" she giggles in her sleep and squeal, seeing Kevin trying to muffle laughs as well. 

What a great way to wake up after that dream?

"Baby, wake up. Shh, darling..." he begins to shake her slowly. She groans and slowly opens her eyes, smiling widely upon seeing Kevin.

"I was dreaming about you," she blushes, sitting up and yawning.

"Yeah, what were you dreaming?" he asks.

"Just stuff." she blushes.

"She was dreaming dirty 'bout ya. Didn't you see the way she was kissing that poor pillow?" I tease and her eyes widen hilariously.

"Really?" he asks her and she blushes harder, nodding.

"I'll tell you later." she giggles. "What's the time now?" 

"4: 36 a.m." I declare looking at the clock.

"Why did you guys wake me up this early?" she whines. "I could've dreamt more," she murmurs under her breath.

"This lady here gasped and woke me up because she saw a nightmare," says Kevin but I shake my head.

"It wasn't a nightmare. Kinda like a flashback." I say.

"What was it?" asks Kevin, while Iris groggily lies down on his lap.

"The first time I kissed Peter," I say.

"Mr. Lightwood?" asks Iris and I nod my head.

"What about that?" he asks.

I explain to them my visions about the Borat during that day both while I passed out and while I was making out with Peter.

"And you never bothered to tell us that?" asks Iris.

"I just remembered that now. And I never paid attention to any of them before." I shrug.

"Maybe it was like a sign back then, and you didn't pay attention because you were too busy making out with your teacher," smirks Kevin and I throw a pillow at him but it lands straight on Iris.

"Hey, I am tryna sleep here," she yells.

"Let's just go to sleep and think about this shit later okay?" I say and get back under the covers.

But then I notice that Iris hasn't got off Kevin.

"Yo, baby, get off the poor guy." I poke her with my finger and she moans. "Aren't you getting off him or what?" 

"I want to sleep on him. Don't disturb. He's so comfyyyyy..." she murmurs and I stifle a laugh.

"Okay, but I need to get under the covers baby, then you can climb on me, alright?" Kevin asks her and she jumps off him.

"You are spoiling her too much, mister." I scold him and Iris being Iris, sticks her tongue out at me.

We all get under the covers and Iris climbs on top of Kevin, laying her head down on his chest.

"You actually ready for today?" asks Kevin.

Today's the day we start our quest. Today is when we start searching for the Borat.

"I don't know. Guess I'll be ready on the way. Anyways, we have to start today, shouldn't we?" I ask and he nods. "Wonder who I'll cuddle with?" I ponder looking over at a nicely cuddling Iris and Kevin.

"You have two amazing guys to cuddle with. Caspy caspy and Darius. Darius is quite warm and comfy but I don't trust him. I don't want to land on my butt because he dropped me." she scowls, snuggling harder into Kevin.

"Why don't you have a nickname for Darius?" I ask.

"I wanted to give him one, but I can't get any," she says.

"He calls you, pudding. And her parvulus." Kevin chuckles.

"What do you guys think about a French nickname for Darius?" she asks.

"What's on your mind?" I ask.

"Chamois...meaning buff," she explains.

"That's perfect for him!" 

"So, chamois it is," she says and I nod.


A/N: Sorry guys, filler chapter...

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