Chapter 5

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Iris's POV

One time while in an amusement park, Karen lured me into riding a roller coaster. The after-ride feeling was amazing but during the ride, when the roller coaster dropped down from a height, I felt some inexplicable vibration inside me, like all my insides, were sinking.

That's how I feel now. I can hear my panicked scream and my throat aches badly, probably from all the screaming but I can't see anything. Everything around me is pitch black.

My chest bumps into hard ground and the smell of wet soil and grass fills my nostrils. I feel a stronghold on my left hand and hear the ragged breathing of myself and someone else. Then I remember about Kevin. My eyes fly open.

My eyes focus on a very unfamiliar place around me. This is obviously not the park. It looks like a forest. I turn to my left to see Kevin laying in a similar position to mine.

"K-Kevin?" I call out feebly and he groans. My hand releases its grip on his arm and I weakly sit up straight. I don't have a clue where I am. I look around for the mirror and find it right between me and Kevin.

"Iris, where the hell are we?" asks Kevin, his eyes focused on the canopy of trees above us.

"That mirror, it took us here," And that's when my panic sets in "Jesus Christ, where the hell are we Kevin?"

"Isn't that what I just asked you?" he asks. I manage to stand up and hold on to the tree next to me for support because my head is still spinning. Once it stabilizes, I look around. This is definitely a forest with extremely tall trees.

"Karen wasn't lying. That mirror is not normal. What are we gonna do now?" I ask stupidly earning a glare from Kevin.

"I came with you, why are you asking me?" says Kevin. I pick up my bag from the ground and search for the letter. I reread the letter to find any clue on what to do after arriving here but in vain. And that's when I hear the voice.

"Iris? Kevin? Are you here?"

Our head snaps in the direction of the sound

"Karen? Is that you?" Kevin calls out.

Just then, a figure emerges from the trees, clad in a blue maxi dress, with locks of her brown hair falling over her shoulders. Her brown eyes focus on us for a second and the brightest smile I've ever seen on her spreads across her face; she comes running towards us.

I stand there speechless and frozen in the spot when I see her. She engulfs me in a very tight hug and peppers my cheeks with kisses while I stand there gaping at her.

"Close your mouth, you'll catch flies, Iris!" Karen teases.

"Oi! No hug for me?" asks Kevin with a stupid pout. He should never do that. Unlike me, who turned stone upon seeing her, Kevin literally lifts Karen in the air when they hug each other.

"You're here...Karen, where the hell are we?" I gulp.

"You have officially arrived at Eponine. I will take you to my place and then explain everything in detail." Karen explains.

"Karen, I can't wait anymore. How did that mirror bring us here? We were at Street Park." I argue but she smiles.

"I told you. That mirror is a portal, and the only known mode of transport to and fro the normal world where we lived, to this dimension," she explains.

"Well, traveling through it...I'm not kidding, it felt like we were on a roller coaster. I loved it!" Kevin states with an amused face as if that was the best thing in his life. 

How does his brain even work? That thing sucked!

"I know right! That the best thing about traveling through the mirror." agrees Karen.

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