Chapter 30

41 15 5

Karen's POV

[Continuation of Flashback]

There, you dropped the bomb.

Peter blinks for a few seconds before speaking again.

"You like me?" he asks and I nod.

"I am sorry," I mumble and he again waits for a few seconds before speaking.

"Hey...what are you sorry for? Come here..." he says and pulls my chair closer to his. 

Wait, what?

"You're my teacher, we're not supposed to like our teachers that way!" I say and he shakes his head.

"You know what I like about you? The fact that you said it to me. Even I had a crush on my teacher when I was your age. But obviously, I didn't say it to her." he says

"Doesn't make me a bad student?" I ask. 

I did have the guts to do this, duh!

"No." he shakes his head. "It's not a bad thing to have feelings towards someone. You have feelings towards me and it's completely natural."

"You're lecturing me, aren't you?" I ask and he shakes his head again.

"No. If you were someone else to me other than my student, our dating would have been much easier. But since you are my student, and I know that this is immoral but we just have to be more careful." he says. 

Hold up, what the hell?

"Wha-what are you talking about?" I stutter. He takes my hand in his and kisses it lightly, shivers running down my spine in anticipation.

"I like you, too," he says and his hand starts rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, my jaw dropping to the floor. "But the thing is we can't go out like a normal couple. Because you are my student and I am your teacher. But I really like you too. I am not very sure how this will work out but I want to take a risk and I want us to work out." he says slowly looking into my eyes. "I am a shitty teacher to have feelings towards his student but I can't help it, Karen. Since you like me too," he says but I place a finger on his lips.

"You're not a shitty teacher. You're an amazing teacher. Everyone in our class loves you. We're all always eager to be in your class. If anything, you're everything but a shitty teacher." I say and he smiles. 

"I like it when you all score really good in my subject," he admits and I giggle.

"All because of you, Mr. Lightwood." I giggle.

"You like my subject?" he asks.

"It was very hard before you showed up and my marks were terrible but I still like math. I don't know why but after you came, it got easier and now I like it even more."

"I am so glad." he smiles. 

I want to do something.

"Umm...M-Peter?" I call him. My heart is hammering in my chest that I doubt if he could hear it.


"Umm...can I...I mean...can I kiss you?" 

Holy shit! I just freaking asked my teacher if I can kiss him. I am one madwoman.

He doesn't say anything but looks into my eyes for a moment. He did say that we could be dating. But before I can utter another word, he slides his hand into my hair, cupping my neck, and his lips capture mine. 

His lips are soft,  gentle, and warm, just like I imagined them to be. My lips mold perfectly with his small heart shaped ones as they move in sync with one another. I feel his tongue push through my lips and I let him, explore my mouth. When my tongue collides with his, he lets out the sexiest moan at the back of his throat our kiss grows more passionate and hungrier. He tilts my head and slides his arm around my waist, pulling me onto his lap.

I wrap my legs around his waist and the chair. My hands run over his broad chest over the fabric of his shirt and around the back of his neck before I bury my fingers in his soft dark hair. Fireworks and lighting in my stomach may sound cliché but that is exactly what I feel right now.

I closed my eyes when I started kissing him. When you close your eyes, you see darkness. But now I see something else.

I see light. Bright light. Slowly, the light fades away to reveal the sun and beneath me, I feel soft grass. Forest green grass and then I hear laughter. Iris. Kevin. They're laughing. They seem happy.

Another guy laughs with them as well but I don't know who it is. His golden hair shines under the bright sun but when I look down at my hand, I see a golden gem. And it glows a bright gold. Very beautiful gold. Golder than real gold. My hand places the gem down on the green grass and its color changes.

It's blue now. But it's still bright. Now it's brighter than the seven oceans, the skies, and everything blue. And I have the urge to protect it with my life.

I gasp and my eyes fly open to find that I am still sitting on Peter's lap. My hands are still locked around his neck and he is still holding me in place by my hips. I look at him, still surprised at the fact that I was kissing him but more surprised at the vision I had.

He smiles and tucks a loose strand of my hair behind my ear. It's better if I focus on him rather than some dumb vision.

"I can't believe I just kissed my student." he breathes.

"I can't believe I just kissed my teacher." I gasp and he chuckles.

"You know, you're my first," I say and he smiles.

He pecks my lips again and says, "And second," again peck, "And third and god knows how many times we'll kiss again." he chuckles.

"Yeah, god knows." I giggle and let my head fall on his chest. He tightens his arms around me and I savor the moment of my first kiss.


A/N: Ya'll know what her vision meant. but she didn't though. But she kissed her freaking teacher. I mean he was super hot, so yeah!!!😉😂

Voties and comments pals!!

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