Chapter 37

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A/N: Yeah, so this is the coolest chapter I have written so far.


Karen's POV

I raise my head to look at the room. 

How the hell did that dog slam me onto the ground? 

I quickly get on my legs but freeze upon seeing the sight in front of me. Iris dangles from his arm; her head is secured in a headlock as she struggles for breath.

"Stop fighting us or your precious little girl's neck is going to snap in two." Lucian yells and Iris chokes and whimpers in his hand.

Everyone stops around me and Kevin looks like he is going to breakdown and, Caspian and Darius are fuming but keeps it in themselves.

"Not so feisty now, huh, little one?" he evilly asks in her ear and she screams, slamming her legs and hands on his body. Iris is helpless against him in this condition. She is just a small creature compared to this giant in front of me.

"Put her down, dog!" Kevin yells, through gritted teeth.

"You think I take orders from you, little boy? Pathetic." he chuckles and Iris grunts in anger.

"Lucian put her down!" I order him. This is bound to work. For some good reason, he couldn't resist listening to my orders. None of the wolves could.

Lucian spins around with Iris flying along with him like a ribbon. Seeing Iris struggling helplessly in his arms is only boiling my blood even more. But if I lose my shit, I am bound to destroy this whole place. And it seems like I may have to do that!

Iris moans and groans and I see tears flowing down her cheeks. It breaks my heart to see her like this. She can't even breathe properly, and her face is almost purple.

"I told you you'd be moaning, but in pleasure instead of in pain like this. But you decided to go against it, little one. What can I do?" he asks her sadistically.

"Lucian, stop this! Put her down!" I yell and see him loosen his hands around her throat and she is slowly lowered to the ground. Once he releases her she falls, like a pile of broken bones. I rush over to pick her up but she feels weak in my arms. Very weak.

I slide my arms under her knees and shoulders and pick her up with ease, her whimpering helplessly in my arms. I walk over to Kevin and hand Iris to him. He is a terrified mess by now but I can't look at him since there is an ass hole of a wolf I have to deal with.

"Ask anything except her or any of us? I will give it to you." I say.

"I want only her." Lucian is stubborn.

It's better if I teach him a good lesson! 

I punch his stomach hard and he stumbles back. Then what I see is an explosion of clothes around me and before I know it, a giant black wolf with evil green eyes stands before me.


Fighting a werewolf in its wolf form is hard. Harder than when we fight in its human form. But the right strikes and the right places should bring this giant dog down. And that is exactly what I am doing.

I punch its throat hard that, it whimpers like any other dog. And if it was some innocent little dog, my heart would have broken for it. But this one here is bad. Caspian shoots arrows through the wolf's body but it doesn't seem to affect it in any way. I hit it ruthlessly, punching and clawing on its face in different directions as it tries its best to lock its jaws on me.

The other remaining wolves also shift making it super hard for us to fight back. Darius keeps slashing his sword at them while Caspian shoots numerous arrows, straight to their heads. I climb over the wolf, to sit on its spine and Lucian starts shaking his body vigorously, you know, the way dogs do, to drop me down.

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