Chapter 10

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A/N: Editing is just so painful guys!!!


Iris's POV

"Tell me everything you felt ever since you set foot on Eponine." Queen Entonia demands.

"I felt something inside this euphoria flowing through every inch of my body. I felt powerful and excited. I remember not being able to breathe but at the same time felt this immense amount of strength surging inside me." she recalls.

"Did you notice any change in your body?" asks Entonia. Karen looks at me for confirmation and I nod in approval.

"It felt like a slight burn in my eyes," she begins. "The night I arrived here, I was in my bed-chamber. I looked into the mirror and saw my eyes turn into a bright shade of gold. Like literally gold. I was terrified. A light was coming out of my eyes but then it slowly faded away. When it completely died down, all I saw inside my eyes were gold streaks...very like the silver ones in your eyes except mine is gold." she concludes with a sigh.

Entonia sighs, standing up from the grand couch she was sitting on, and makes her way towards Karen. She places her hand on Karen's cheeks as she examines her eyes. 

"It's extraordinary." she breathes. "You're extraordinary. The streaks in your eyes...they are a sign. You three," she points and me, Kevin, and Karen, "will you accompany me to the library?"  We nod in agreement and she escorts us to the library.

As the doors to the library open, the smell of age old books and dust clouds my senses. Queen Entonia hurriedly beckons us to the farthest end of the large room and upon reaching there I notice that this area is pretty isolated from the rest of the library and looks like it hasn't been visited in centuries.

Entonia rummages through the dusty books like a madwoman and huffs and ticks her tongue multiple times when she can't find whatever she is looking for. We stare at her in utter confusion as she mumbles something carelessly to herself.

After a while of madness, Kevin steps in and places a hand on her shoulder.

"Your highness, calm down!" he instructs her while gesturing her to take deep breaths. I don't know why but he has this aura around him which makes you want to kick his nuts at one time but then hug and embrace him another time. 

Maybe it's just me.

"I am sorry it's just..." Entonia inhales. "She can be something. Someone so powerful and I just need to find something to confirm that." she pants while her eyes wander to the dusty shelves as water begins to collect in her eyes.

"What can we do to help? Tell us whatever it is you want to find, we'll help you find search." I interject taking a step towards Kevin and Entonia.

She looks at us and smiles, her eyes displaying nothing but motherly love and affection. Karen is standing there, her face exhibiting a mix of emotions. She is changing, but none of us know into what. And the person who the answer may lie with starts sobbing hysterically before us, crying out a string of apologies for abandoning her own daughter. 

"I need your help. I need to figure out what is happening to me? And only you can help." she pleads at her mother. 

Entonia relaxes for a while, while we stand there dumbfounded. Thankfully, a short while later, she resumes rummaging through the dusty shelves. She pulls out big old heavy books coated in layers of dust and drops them on the ground in frustration when she finds out that is not the one, sending clouds of dust flying in the air.

At one point, Kevin inhales too much dust and starts coughing incessantly, that we both are forced to take a break and leave the library to inhale some fresh air. But we don't talk anything about that stupid fight we had earlier since we're too focused on Karen right now.

I can see the bruises on his temple and I am cent percent sure that his abdomen hurts more than anything. He fell onto that hard ground on his stomach from that height and I know how that would feel.

The first impact will be the air being knocked out of your lungs and you will struggle to breathe for a few seconds. Kevin showed exactly that. Then your abdomen will hurt for hours after that but for me, it usually disappears after a good sleep.

I feel guilty, though. I was the one who picked the fight in the first place. I was the one who started screaming for Karen and acted as if Kevin was killing me or something. I am such a drama queen.

Now that I think about it, I feel guiltier than ever. I really shouldn't have done that. What was I thinking? I don't throw tantrums every now and then. I try to keep my temper in as much as I can.

But with Kevin, it's different. He really brings out the worst in me. Best and the worst. I decide that tonight after all this is done, I will take care of him. He can order and boss me around, even irritate the hell out of me, but I will take care of him. Hell, I will even let him cuddle with me...if that helps. Moreover, even I like cuddling with him. Not that I am going to admit that to him but yeah.

We stand on the balcony that opens to a view of the lake. We didn't get to explore it. I just stare into space, debating to myself whether to apologize to Kevin right now or later in our bed chamber when Karen will be with us.

Thankfully, he does the same, staring at the beautiful view while taking sips of water from his goblet. He takes deep breaths trying to clear out all those irritants from his lungs and also sneezes multiple times, but we stay in silence.

It's better if I don't talk. Me opening my mouth will only make things more awkward between us. I am going to stay silent and enjoy my view of the setting sun.

A voice echoes after a while.

"Guys, we found the book!"

My head turns in the direction of the sound and I see Karen panting but with a relieved sigh on her face. We make our way back to the library but Kevin stops right at the door, saying that the dust in the room is too much for him to not have an asthma attack. And we also don't have an inhaler.

"It's fine, we'll go get that book, and read whatever is in it in the meeting room," Karen says and we both make our way to the library.


A/N: Is the book interesting? Comment your thoughts on the story, writing style everything because I appreciate conservative critisism.

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