Chapter 26

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Karen's POV

"This is absolute heaven, guys! It's been so long." I moan as I take a bite of the cheesy pizza Iris and Kevin bought for us.

"Okay, I'll be honest here, this is really good." Darius comments, as he munches on the French fries.

Iris and Kevin arrived today morning and the food was still hot. They were exhausted; Iris could barely stand the moment she reached here. But once she drank a good Frappuccino prepared in the kitchens of Eponine, along with the Chai Latte from Starbucks, she started jumping around like she usually does. 

The best thing was Kevin's face when she asked Darius to give her a piggyback ride. Apparently, she wanted to know how it would feel like to ride at a greater height, since Darius is higher than Kevin, and Darius gladly agreed. But poor Iris clang to Darius for dear life since he threatened to drop her repeatedly from the height she was sitting at. Once she jumped off him, she ran straight to Kevin and hugged him.

The funniest thing was Kevin's face when Iris was sitting on Darius. He was super jealous. But he also looked scared as hell when Darius was threatening to drop her. But I knew Darius wouldn't be that cruel to drop poor Iris on that little ass of hers.

"You want one more piggyback ride, parvulus?" teases Darius.

"No thanks, frater. My Kevin will give me piggyback rides without threatening me like you did. And I love sitting on his back. He keeps me safe. You scare the hell out of me!" she scoffs and we laugh. I hope Kevin noticed the fact that she just called him her Kevin.

"And Karen will keep me safe, won't you Karen?" smirks Kevin.

"Of course, dear best friend. I will always keep you safe." I smirk.

"I like the thing with meat placed in between the buns with the vegetables and cheese. It seems very healthy," comments Caspian.

"Caspy, caspy, it's called a burger. And it's far from healthy." giggles Iris. She has taken to calling him a ridiculous nickname, Caspy,caspy.

"Why would it be not healthy?" he asks, confused.

"The chemicals added in the food to preserve it and to increase the taste of the burger is the main thing that makes it unhealthy. Second, the burger is fried in oil. Third, is the sauces used to increase the taste. They contain a lot of chemicals and sugar which are harmful to health. And lastly, the foods are processed and assembled in large bulks. As a result, the risk of contamination increases." she explains as the boys look at her, hilariously confused.

"Yeah, you understood?" I ask.

"Yeah, totally. I know mundane food contains bad potions known as chemicals. But then why do you guys have it anyway?" asks Caspian.

"Because it tastes good. And once in a while, it's not that harmful," she says and they sigh.

"Well, I love this stuff. French fries," says Darius stuffing a bunch in his mouth.

"Me too, but no hi-five for you." she huffs.

"Conturbata sunt viscera mea ad veniam: parum soror." he whines dramatically placing his hand on his chest.

"Hey, I understand Latin!" she yells.

"Then please give me what I asked for!" he says.

"What did he ask for, babe?" asks Kevin.

"He's asking for forgiveness. Should I give him?" she asks. Honestly, I find the whole situation just dumb and I have a strong feeling that Caspian does too judging by his unbothered expression. They're acting like freaking kids.

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