Chapter 56

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A/N: Whooooohoooo!!! Only 3-4 more chapters left ya'll!!


Karen's POV

I couldn't believe my eyes when I read the letter. My hope of finding something here, in this deep hole was very meager. And yet I find this. Etine, he found me. And he knew everything about the prophecy, about what I am, and that Entonia will come for me but yet he decided it to be the way it is meant to be. Like this.

Am I willing to forgive him? For being an ignorant king and a heartless father? I don't know. I don't even feel like caring anymore. Etine is not even alive anymore.

He came all the way here to leave this letter for me. How did he even know that I would decide to look here, three thousand feet under the ground? What if  I had died? We were close to dying plenty of times. But even if I died no one would ever find this letter, would they? And I wouldn't die.

Maybe it was destiny that led me here. To decide to look for damn clues right where the Borat was first found. Because Etine left it in here and I decided to go to the exact place.

He wrote that I lived with it right beside me. I lived in my house before Entonia decided to show up and break the hell loose. He wrote that I protected it and that it protected me. As far as I can remember, I don't remember taking care of anything. The gem might have kept me safe, for it calls me, but I don't think I did anything to keep it safe.

And all my powers and visions started showing up only once I started having a direct connection to Eponine. Once I set foot in Eponine and once I started living there. So obviously, I won't sense the Borat unless I had been in Eponine.

'Go back to where you came from'. I came from within the humans. From the normal world. Does that mean..... that it's actually there?

All this can add to only one place. My home. My parents' home. Where I have lived my whole freaking life. 

But how would Etine even get there?


Caspian's voice jolts me back to reality. He holds my upper arm, while it holds the thick piece of parchment.

"I think I know where the Borat is!" I murmur.

"What are you saying?" asks Darius.

"It's at my house...."

"In what!?" exclaims Iris.

"It's been beside me, and I should go back to where I came from. What the hell would that mean?" I ask.

"But how can you be so sure, Karen? We've been roaming around for so long in this dimension while the Borat has been in your goddamn house this whole time?" Kevin asks.

"I'm sure, Kevin. Because there can be no other place!" I argue.

"Can we start to leave then? This place is suffocating me now!" Iris informs and all of us prepare to leave.

I carefully put the letter inside my bag and we quickly begin our ascent towards the top. The whole time, my mind is occupied with questions. Questions that only Etine can answer. How did he find me? When did he realize that I was the one for Erad's prophecy? How did he manage to hide it? How could he slip into my house unnoticed? Have I ever seen him? How did he die?

Kevin and Iris keep collecting minerals, some of which I don't even recognize and Kevin is easily able to tell which is mineral and which is not. We are careful to stick to the walls of the hole since there aren't any rails made on the stairs. Still, we are very grateful to those ancient miners who built this effective method of getting down.

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