Chapter 15

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Karen's POV

Kevin steps out of the bathroom in all his beautiful glory but scowls upon seeing Iris sleeping again. The guy was taking too long in the bathroom that his girlfriend fell back asleep.

He walks over and slowly places himself in the bed, staring at her clinging to me like a baby. She looks so innocent while asleep or when she is not talking. No wonder why Kevin fell for her.

"She slept again?" he whispers. 

Oh, how caring! He wouldn't give a damn if it were me!

"Yeah, we were talking and she fell asleep. She is a heavy sleeper! She wouldn't know if a tsunami happens around her when she is sleeping." I chuckle.

"She also rarely moves around, yesterday she wriggled once and that was for me to spoon her."

"Oh, she loves being spooned!" I agree, putting extra emphasis on the word 'loves'. "Anyways, what do we have to do today?" 

"We'll meet Entonia, then we go to the park, test your 'powers' and then...I don't know." he shrugs, air quoting 'powers'.

I look down at Iris. "Now, how do I break free?" I ask, nodding my head towards her sleeping self.

"I'll spoon her from here, then you can break free." he mock-whispers.

"I'm awake!" she groans. "But I'll take the spooning offer!" 

Kevin doesn't waste a second and quickly wraps his arm around her and they both start cuddling...again!

"And I had to beg you to cuddle with me for a few seconds!" I roll my eyes and make my way to the bathroom.

"That's because you kick me!" I hear Kevin shout before I shut myself inside the bathroom.

I finish all my morning rituals but I can't help feeling so happy for Kevin and Iris. He waited so long for this. And I know Iris has a lot of trust issues but with no apparent reason. She doesn't trust people easily. It took us ages to be as close as we are now. But I am pretty sure she will come to trust Kevin just as I do.

When I get out of the bedroom, Kevin and Iris are still in bed snuggling. 

Okay, if these two continue like this, work won't be done on time.

"Iris, we need to get ready! Get up! You slept enough!" I admonish. "Kevin, Go get dressed, Iris come on!" 

"Fine, mommy!" he scoffs and disappears into the closet.

"IRIS!" I yell.

"A little more time, please!" she begs.

"Get your ass up, bitch!" 

She huffs and I somehow manage to get her up from the bed and she walks over to the bathroom, groggily rubbing her eyes all the way.

After much persuasion, nudging, pushing, and pulling, Iris is finally ready and so are I and Kevin. She is still scowling like a kid who is denied her favorite toy, and yawning, rubbing her eyes, grunting, and displaying all forms of her morning grumpiness. Yesterday, she woke up to awkwardness, so her usual grumpiness faded. That isn't the case today! I and Kevin on the other hand are wide awake!

By the time, we reach the dining room for breakfast, Iris is less grumpy. Maybe because of the smell of fresh food. But I am no one to blame her. Even my mouth is flooded and I don't think I'll ever get used to this.

Entonia arrives with all her grace and beauty, greets us and then all of us dig into the food. She mentions something about us meeting the royal advisor and his son, and the King's sister and her son also.

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