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A/N: You guys! This is the last one! I can't believe it.....🤩


Karen's POV

This is it.

Today's the day.

That I will be crowned.

Queen of Eponine.

More specifically, High Queen of Eponine.

My nerves are slowly consuming me like a parasite and I cannot even guarantee, that I won't faint when they hand me the scepter and the gem. My gown sits there, all ready to be worn by me. That thing weighs like a bitch. Made of various materials, velvet being the majority of them, its crimson red color reminds me of vampires in medieval times.

I have to wear a corset on the inside, and I have no idea, how to breathe in that thing. After all, corsets are famous for not making women breathe freely. A carpet-like-cape also accompanies my ensemble, with the same blood-red color.

The best part of the outfit is my contradicting simple jewelry. A ruby studded necklace and matching earrings, both of which are heavy as well. So basically, I will be weighed down with my outfit.

I knock sounds on my door.

"Katarina?" voices the familiar deep sound.

"Come in..." I groan, falling back into the bed and Caspian stands at my door, smirking. "What are you smirking at?" I growl and he chuckles, walking over to me. I groggily wrap my arms around him, when he plops himself on my bed.

"Happy coronation day!" he greets and in turn, I groan. "Come on..... it's your coronation today! Don't be grumpy!"

"I want to cuddle...." I whine, grumpily rubbing my face on his chest.

"Aww......" he voices rubbing his hand up and down on my back. "Iris and Kevin woke up early today! What happened to you, love?" he asks.

"I'm just....nervous, I guess..." I shrug.

"You'll do great, darling!"

Caspian kisses me and then leaves, to take care of his role during the ceremony. Shortly after, my breakfast is delivered to the room and once that is done, it's Iris's and Kevin's turn to show up.

They look fabulous.

"Uh....why on earth is your hair still messy, and why are you in your damn nightgown?" asks Kevin, observing me, head to foot.

"I'll be dressed once those ladies come and start their work on me."

Iris starts rolling her hips in awkward directions, earning a weird look from me. "This corset sucks!" she remarks.

"Take a look at mine! I'm dreading that thing!" I tell, directing my hand toward my dress.

"I look like Mr. Darcy!" Kevin remarks, observing himself in my mirror.

Iris, the book nerd, raises an eyebrow. "That is not how Mr. Darcy looked like!"

"Well, Caspian is dressed in armor!" Kevin smirks, as though it's a dumb thing for Caspian to dress like that.

"He is the commander, Kevin!" I remind him.

We chit chat for a few minutes as usual, before the 'stylists' arrive and drive my friends out. They ask me to strip into my undergarments, which weirdly for them, is a bra and panties.

They begin tying the corset knots behind me tightly, and despite my protests to make it looser, they say tight is the way it has to be tied.

I step inside my velvet gown, whose numerous knots are also fastened by Akele. They do my hair and makeup as well, which was a tight updo, adorned with ruby studded pins and natural makeup respectively. Thankfully, they finish within an hour and then leave me alone to collect my senses.

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