Chapter 60

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A/N: And that's Karen and Caspian ya'll!! 


Karen's POV


"This is King Etine.....who did you tell he was?" Caspian asks and I snatch the frame from his hand.

"This was George! He used to drive my dad to work and me to school! What the hell do you mean by saying that this is Etine?" I hiss.

"Katarina, calm down..." he soothes before speaking again. "He mentioned that he found you, Katarina. He hid the Borat in your room. Who else can he be?"

This was George! How can he be.....King Etine?

It can't be. "But....George was....George!"

Iris speaks up. "Think about it, Karen. George was exceptionally sweet to you at all times. Check. He mentioned regretting his decision to abandon you. Check. He hid the Borat in your freaking room. Check. And lastly, he mentioned that he found you!" she explains.

But if George was my real father.....why didn't he take me back right then? Why did he wait for so long?! WHY?!

"Why would a king come and work us, mundane humans, Caspian?" my dad asks.

"Exactly Mr. Hill. Maybe that's what Etine thought would be his rightful punishment. Being with his daughter without actually being able to call her daughter. Working for humans who he believed to be below him." he tells.

I had my real father right next to me while I was calling someone else 'dad'. My real father, who abandoned me, was right next to me, while I was living my wonderful life with two amazing humans. And he stayed and watched it until the day he died. 

"Caspian...." my shaky voice whispers and he rushes to my side. I don't even know when the tears started forming. 

Why am I crying? I hate being weak.

"I'm sorry....." he whispers and I bury my head in his chest. At this point, I don't even care if my parents will see me with a man. I don't even know who to call parents. 

Why did my father do all this? For what? He could have just told me the truth instead of me finding it out like this.

"Let it out...." he voices in my ear, rubbing his warm hand up and down my back.

"Can we go to the lawn?" I choke out and he nods, taking me outside the house and into the lawn behind it. We sit under a tree, my mind clouded with unanswered questions, as Caspian wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his chest.

Thought repeatedly goes in and out of my head, like a never-ending cycle of unanswered questions.

I lie there, listening to his steady heartbeat which contradicts my hyperventilating one. He rubs soothing circles on my back while whispering calming words into my ear.



"Why do you think he did all that? Why didn't he just tell me?" I ask.

Caspian sighs. "Maybe he thought that was his punishment. Think of it, amare, staying close to your daughter without being actually able to call her your own. What could be a worse punishment?" he asks and I nod, pondering his words for my own. 

Really, what could be a worse punishment?

"And maybe he wanted you to prove your worth by finding the Borat for your own," he adds.

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