Chapter 58

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Karen's POV

When we finally make it up, all of us are exhausted, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Because when we went down this hole, we had someone with us and now we don't. The turn of events affected us all badly. Iris hasn't uttered a word, despite all of Kevin's insists and Caspian is in somewhat the same condition.

We take around two more hours to fully climb up to the top. Upon reaching, Iris crawls away from us, slowly settling herself in the corner that we first rested. She closes her eyes and lies down, legs curled up to her chest and arms wrapped around them. Her breathing is heavy like it has been for the past two hours.

"I'm scared...." I hear a deep voice from behind me.

His emerald eyes focus on his love, lying far from us, curled up like a ball. Her bubbly self has sunk to the bottom of her ocean of personalities and the deepest, darkest side of it has come to the surface. Kevin looks at a heavily concerned Caspian, lightly caressing her small arm, but she gives him no response.

They are the most affected. All of us are, but not as much as both of them. Mine and Darius's relationship wasn't deep. It wasn't as deep as what Iris and Kevin share. But I did lose someone who was with me for a long time.

What concerns me the most is the fact that his only goal was to get rid of me. Kill me. That was the only reason he joined us. Not because of his love for the nation, not for his love for Caspian, but just avenge his mother. 

Does she know of this or is she oblivious to what's been going on in her son's mind?

"She'll come around, Kevin. Just give them some time." I say.

 He sighs. "How are you feeling?" 

"I'm okay."

"I know you hate sympathy, so I'm not gonna say that I feel sorry for you because I don't. I feel angry, Karen. Is that a bad thing?" he asks.

"Why do you feel angry?"

"Because he was cheating us this whole time. What if his attempts had actually worked and you died!"

"Kevin...." I begin. "Erad's prophecy predicted one more thing. None of you guys noticed that part in that book. And I bet only a few Eponians themselves know about this. I cannot be killed, Kevin." I inform.

He raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"While the time of my birth is not predicted, my death is. I won't say you when it is, but I do have a long life. And mere murder attempts like the ones Darius pulled off wouldn't kill me." I explain.

"What about the hemlock? What if you had drunk it?"

"I would have puked it out just like Iris did," I answer.

"And since when do you know about this?" he asks.

"One night in the palace. The day our training got over. You and Iris were sleeping and I snuck into the library." I explain and he sighs.

He speaks again after some time. "You sure the Borat is at your house?"

"Most likely."

"Once we get out of the cave, we use the mirror?" he asks and I nod. 

Yeah, we use the damn mirror.


Iris's POV

I killed him, Delmar. I'm a murderer.

If you only knew how poisoned his mind was, angelus. He deserved it! He was a filius canis! Delmar insists but guilt is consuming me like a parasite taking in an organism.

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