Chapter 47

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A/N: That's Delmar, the merman, BTW! Jeez, this good-looking cast of this book is making me feel ugly AF!

⚠Trigger warning, Strong language!⚠


Iris's POV

"Mine and Delmar's minds are linked. Which means he can hack into my mind anytime he pleases. I can block him out but only when I am strong, which I am now not." I explain.

"So you're telling me that, all the stuff you said there, Delmar told them?" he asks, bewildered.

"Uh-huh. And I am going to bust his butt for that!" I say, through gritted teeth.

"You have any idea what you said?" he smirks.

"Yeah, now that you said it to me. I really had to transform because my human form takes up more energy than being a mermaid. And Delmar can hack in when I am a mermaid." I say.

"Well, he expressed sorrow in me not fucking you," he smirks. 

That son of a bitch!

"Don't worry, I am not sad," I say but then I see his face fall.

He murmurs. "Okay."

"Kevin darling," I cup his face. "I know you're having a hard time controlling yourself when I lie down like this, my boobs barely covered. But just so you know, I don't have a vagina right now." I smirk and his jaw drops to the floor.

"What!? I didn't even mean it like that!" he argues.

I giggle, "Of course, you didn't my love."

"You really have to speak to Caspian. Bet he's super pissed," he says.

"I know. But that's for tomorrow. Right now, I am trying to communicate with that asshole Delmar." I say and then focus hard on finding Delmar.


No answer.

I swear to god, I will come back to your lake and kill you if you don't answer!

Still no answer.


Jeez woman, what!? He answers.

You very well know why. I say

Oh, come on, that boy clearly is in love with her. I couldn't stand him looking at her like that. They are meant to be, angelus! He says.

Whatever, but you weren't supposed to hack into my mind like that! I scold.

To be honest, angelus, it was fun! The looks on their faces were priceless when you started cursing. He laughs.

And what the hell did you say to Kevin? I yell.

Oh yeah, ever since I sensed that he never made love to you, I was fuming. To be honest with you, I am very jealous of him. And if you didn't love him, I would've claimed you myself, angelus. He says.

 God, I can imagine that stupid smirk on his face.

Disgusting. You just talked about mermaid sex! I will puke again.

Oh yes, speaking of that, why do you think you vomited? He asks.

The herb had a bad reaction to me. Since I am not a normal human. I am a mermaid. I answer confidently.

Mermaids live underwater, angelus. Do you really think the sea grows stuff that makes merfolk puke? And what do you think would happen if a mermaid pukes underwater? He asks.

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