Chapter 34

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Karen's POV

The bluestone glows on the ground as sit beside it. The breeze flows through me while Kevin and Caspian are chasing Iris around. Caspian catches her and lifts her into the air, twirling her around, and then setting her down. Happiness overflows inside all the four of us. Kevin pulls Iris into a kiss while Caspian comes running to me.

He smiles widely and leans down to kiss my forehead and then my lips.

"How are you, your majesty?" he teases.

"Very well, my love. You guys are tossing poor Iris around like she is a doll." I laugh.

"What can I say? I love my best friend and she happens to be very small," he says. He sits down beside me and takes a sip of my orange juice.

"Hey, don't steal my juice!" I scold and he only takes it further away from me. I reach out and he pulls it further until I climb over him and surrenders only after I glare at him.

"Do not disobey your queen, Fransby!" I order and he chuckles.

"What happens when the queen is your girlfriend? Your eternal love?" he asks.

"Still no chance!" I remain stubborn.

"Really? What if I do this to my queen?" he slowly kisses my lips. But he pulls away quickly and looks at me with hopeful eyes and me being me, I shake my head.

He huffs and then proceeds to do the thing I hate the most. He starts to tickle me. I giggle hard and squirm under his hands trying to push him away but I wouldn't use my super strength on him. So I use my best defense. I take the Borat in my hands, and it glows brighter than the sun, blinding all of them around me.


My eyes flip open and I am met with the sight of dried golden leaves on the forest ground. 

That was a dream! But, it was so nice! Caspian, Kevin, Iris, and me with the Borat safe and sound with me. I was the queen. But why didn't I see Darius? Why wasn't he a part of my nice dream? 

I stir and try to stretch but then I hear something. I feel something moving on the tree beside me. I hear a hissing and slowly, very slowly sit up but I don't dare to look up. The hissing comes again and I am almost sure about what it is when I see Iris frozen on her tracks in front of me, her mouth hanging open. 

I quickly bring my forefinger to my lips to shush her and stop her from saying anything that would disturb the creature hissing above me. The hissing becomes slightly louder, signaling that the distance between me and the creature is reducing, so I slowly lookup. A big fat Cobra hangs above my head from the branch above me, all ready to strike.

It looks at me, its target, through its ugly beady eyes as it pushes its tongue out to hiss again. I, very slowly, raise my right hand above my head. I can hear Iris' heavy breathing and the crackling of the branch as the snake slithers down towards me.

The snake pulls its head back, ready to sink its fangs into my flesh and inject the venom into my veins. But just as it thrusts its head forward, grab its head with my hand and the rest of its body falls from the branch and dangles in the air. I tighten my hold around its neck and the snake keeps hissing, its mouth hanging open, baring its poison-filled fangs at me.

I stretch out my arm as far away from me as possible as I walk away from the tree. Iris stands there, with her jaw on the ground and then I see Kevin and Caspian freeze midst their tracks upon seeing me holding a snake, out of the corner of my eye.

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