Chapter 57

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Iris' POV

Darius releases his tight hold on me and turns back.

"Yeah, I did!" he scoffs evilly. He then steps back and my throat is trapped again, this time between his arm and bicep. "And this bitch saved you...again!"

I frantically slap his arm, trying to let him go of me because I can barely breathe and pressure keeps building up inside my head. My eyes begin to water.

"You take one more step, kid, and she dies!" he threatens Kevin when he steps closer.

"I could kick you down just as easily, Darius!" Caspian yells, his voice echoing around the stone walls.

"And she falls with me..." he smirks, evilly.

Karen makes her way forward and stands right in front of us. She looks at me with tears in her eyes, and I worry for a split second if she is apologizing for what she is about to or something. Then she looks back at Darius behind me.

"Why....why are you doing this?" she whispers.

"Why am I doing this? Well then listen up!" he begins, all while crushing my thing neck with the two parts of his thick arms. 

"All this time, me and my mother, we were both treated like trash. Even if I am the King's nephew, my mother being a healer was never given importance. And if you die, I can be king. I can be the ruler of Eponine. Your drama queen of a mother will be at my feet!" he tells maniacally.

He was cheating us this whole time?

"Wh-what the f-fuck is wro-ng with you!?" I choke out, frantically slapping his arms.

"Nothing parvulus, I just want her dead," he says nodding his head towards Karen. "Everything I tried, almost all of them ended up with you. Delmar's lake, the hemlock, the dragon den, everything. And the snake wasn't even useful!"

"What hemlock?" asks Caspian.

"T-The day I v-vomited," I struggle to get out the words. "D-Delmar t-told me!"

"Oh, and why didn't you spill the beans, darling?" he mocks.

I grunt in anger, and raise my leg backward forcefully, right up his balls. He growls in pain releases his hold on me, and I fall forward into Kevin's arms. Karen moves forward and leashes out on him like a feral wolf, both of them dangerously close to the edge and I and Kevin watch in utter shock.

I have to do something. Because I am the only one who can save her if she finds herself in the midst of these walls again.

I lose out Kevin's grip on me and walk forward. Caspian almost loses his balance, but I hold him still before he falls over. Together, we launch on the fighting pair, who not so long ago, were showing forms of affection towards each other. It breaks my heart to see them like this, but knowing that Darius' intentions all this time was to get rid of my best friend, I almost want to wish the same fate for him.

Caspian wraps his hand around Karen's waist, her bouncing in his arms as he screams for her to stop clawing at Darius. Darius tries his maximum to push her down the cavern but I quickly act on my instinct, and shoot a stream of water onto his feet, disrupting his balance on the stone.

While Kevin and Caspian work on calming Karen down, I fight Darius. I keep shooting thin streams of water into his eyes, each stream getting him dangerously close to falling over the edge but I won't stop. With his vision disrupted, Darius finds it incredibly difficult to aim at me. I stop shooting the streams when he is far enough from me, and swiftly pull out my bow and arrow, taking my aim on him.

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