Chapter 44

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A/N: Finally, an update! Sorry guys but this one is a filler chapter!


Karen's POV

Kevin apologizes to Kevin, and to my surprise, Caspian forgives him almost immediately. Later, I learn that it was because he heard them fighting and didn't want to add more tension between them.

Since we got the information that we needed from Rosanto, we leave Interlacus today. It was actually quite great staying here, except for the fight between Iris and Kevin. I mean, we got great food after a long time and such soft beds to sleep on.

Rosanto arranges a generous amount of stock food and clothes for us. We thank them and Rosanto wishes us farewell.

 Rosanto takes my hand. "Princess Katarina, it was my greatest pleasure to have you and your company here. My friend Etine's daughter, I will do anything to help you. And when you finally do find the Borat, do make sure to visit again." he says.

"Of course, King Rosanto. I will- We will definitely visit again, once everything is back in place. And we cannot thank you enough for your help." I say.

"We love the place, your highness! And once she is crowned Queen, I will nag my way here." Iris says and Rosanto laughs heartily.

"I knew I liked you, Miss Evans. And Prince Brothers," he nods to Darius and Caspian, "It was a pleasure to serve you as well!"

"The pleasure is all ours, Rosanto!" says Caspian. We all shake our hands with Rosanto and Iris and Caspian says goodbye to the Legolas, whose name, I didn't quite catch.


"Dad, please, please, just one day! Kevin and I will be back the next day, I swear!" I whine at my stubborn dad.

"Karen..." he says warningly and I pout.

"Arthur, come on, she's been asking for so long!" says my mom. I look back at my dad with puppy dog eyes which work almost all the time. My dad sighs and looks at my mom. 

Please god, please make him say yes!

"Fine, but only one day!" he agrees and I squeal, wrapping my arms around him tightly.

"I love you, dad!" I beam, looking up at him.

He pats my head and goes, "I love you too, kiddo!"

I do the same with my mom and I rush upstairs to call Kevin.

"Bro, I am in!" I yell as soon as I hear hello from the other side.

"Wait, what?" he asks surprised.

"Dad agreed. So you and me, have a whole freaking day at the mall!" I beam. 

Busted! Yup, that was what I was begging my dad for permission.

"Thank goodness, we can hang out somewhere away from mine or your bedrooms!" he chuckles.

"I called Iris, but her parents didn't allow, the moment they heard that you would be there. And, before you say anything, the parents are hella strict! They don't want boys around her. So, we can't exactly do anything about it!" I say and hear him sigh.

"Fine, guess I just have to wait until I can at least kiss her!" he sighs.

"Kevin buddy, chill! I am giving her slight hints about your crush but she is too dumb to know anything-"

"Don't you call her dumb, she is way smarter than you!"

"Whatever." I roll my eyes.

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